[18 Jan 97]
New page added:
I've begun a list of online Theravada texts available in foreign (non-English) languages.
(Was ./lib/foreign.html; removed 980630)
[9 Jan 97]
New schedule:
The 1997 retreat schedule for the
Bhavana Society
is now available.
[3 Jan 97]
New book:
by Ajaan Chah (1982).
[2 Jan 97]
Pali language answer service:
The International Buddhist Research & Information Center (Sri Lanka) is offering a Pali language answer service for Pali students. Just send your Pali questions via e-mail to:
ibric AT sri.lanka.net
[2 Jan 97]
New book:
An Elementary Course in Pali
, by Narada Thera (MS Word 6.0 Mac/Win), with Pali font; Courtesy of the International Buddhist Research & Information Center, Sri Lanka).