Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

This HTML version by Andrew Ritz, Langtech.
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la grace: amusement 840 N.
laager: defense 717 N.
lab: workshop 691 N.
labarum: indication 550 N.
labefy: deterioration 659 Adj.
label: indication 550 N. indication 550 V. nomenclature 564 V.
labent: descent 306 Adj.
labial: edge 231 Adj. letter 561 N.
labiated: edge 231 Adj.
labitur et albetur: continuance in action 143 Phr.
labor day and night: exertion 686 V.
labor day: amusement 840 N.
labor for: intention 620 V.
labor in one's vocation: business 625 V.
labor in vain: failure 732 V. shortcoming 304 N. inutility 645 N. failure 732 N. inutility 645 V. waste 638 V.
labor lost: inutility 645 N.
labor of love: disinterestedness 942 N. amusement 840 N. willingness 602 N. cheapness 815 N.
labor of sisyphus: inutility 645 N.
labor party: politics 737b N.
labor under a state: state 7 V.
labor under afflictions: pain 828 V.
labor under an error: error 495 V.
labor under difficulties: difficulty 704 V.
labor under: disease 655 V. feeling 821 V.
labor: action 680 N. action 680 V. exertion 686 N. exertion 686 V. government 737a N. production 161 N.
laboratory: workshop 691 N.
labored application: attention 457 N.
labored attention: attention 457 N.
labored study: attention 457 N.
labored thought: attention 457 N.
labored: inelegance 579 Adj. preparation 673 Adj.
laborer: agent 690 N.
laboring man: agent 690 N.
laboring oar: agent 690 N.
laboring: exertion 686 Adj.
laborious: exertion 686 Adj. difficulty 704 Adj.
laboriously: exertion 686 Adv.
laboriousness: activity 682 N.
labyrinth: complexity 59a N. convolution 248 Adj. convolution 248 N. secret 533 N.
labyrinthian: convolution 248 Adj. secret 533 Adj.
labyrinthic: convolution 248 Adj.
labyrinthine: difficulty 704 Adj. convolution 248 Adj. secret 533 Adj.
lac of rupees: money 800 N.
lac: five, &c 98 N. resin 356a N.
lace one's jacket: punishment 972 V.
lace: crossing 219 N. punishment 972 V. ornament 847 N. junction 43 V. crossing 219 V.
lacerable: brittleness 328 Adj.
lacerate the heart: painfulness 830 V.
lacerate: disjunction 44 V. physical pain 378 V.
laceration: disjunction 44 N.
laches: neglect 460 N. nonobservance 773 N.
lachrymals: dejection 837 N.
lachrymation: lamentation 839 N.
lachrymatory: lamentation 839 N.
lachrymose: dejection 837 Adj. lamentation 839 Adj.
laciniate: roughness 256 Adj.
laciniform: roughness 256 Adj.
laciniose: roughness 256 Adj.
lack a day!: lamentation 839 Int.
lack faith: irreligion 989 V.
lack of complication: facility 705 N.
lack of contrition: impenitence 951 N.
lack of interest: incuriosity 456 N.
lack of value: worthlessness 812b N.
lack parallelism: obliquity 217 V.
lack preparation: nonpreparation 674 V.
lack: insufficiency 640 N. insufficiency 640 V. poverty 804 N. requirement 630 V. incompleteness 53 V. poverty 804 V.
lackadaisical: inactivity 683 Adj. indifference 866 Adj. dejection 837 Adj.
lackadaisy!: lamentation 839 Int. wonder 870 Int.
lackbrain: fool 501 N.
lack-brained: imbecility folly 499 Adj.
lacker: covering 223 V.
lackey: servant 746 N.
lacking faith: irreligion 989 Adj.
lacking: incompleteness 53 Adj.
lackluster: dimness 422 Adj. achromatism 429 Adj.
lackwit: fool 501 N.
laconic: conciseness 572 Adj.
laconism: conciseness 572 N.
lacquer: resin 356a N. ornament 847 N. ornament 847 V. covering 223 V.
lacrimation: lamentation 839 N.
lacrosse: amusement 840 N.
lacrymose: dejection 837 Adj.
lacteal: semiliquidity 352 Adj.
lactean: semiliquidity 352 Adj.
lacteous: semiliquidity 352 Adj.
lactescence: whiteness 430 N.
lactescent: whiteness 430 Adj. semiliquidity 352 Adj.
lactic acid: sourness 397 N.
lactic fermentation: sourness 397 N.
lactiferous: semiliquidity 352 Adj.
lacuna: concavity 252 N. interval 198 N. incompleteness 53 N.
lacuslake dwelling: abode 189 N.
lacuspile dwelling: abode 189 N.
lacustrine dwelling: abode 189 N.
lacustrine: gulf, lake 343 Adj.
lad: infant 129 N.
ladder rocket: ascent 305 N.
ladder: method 627 N.
lade out: ejection 297 V.
lade: location 184 V. displacement 185 V.
laden with: possession 777 Adj.
laden: completeness 52 Adj.
ladies' room: receptacle 191 N.
lading: property 780 N. location 184 N. contents 190 N.
ladino: mixture 41 N.
ladle: transference 270 V. vehicle 272 N. receptacle 191 N.
lady day: regularity of recurrence 138 N.
lady help: servant 746 N.
lady: marriage 903 N. nobility 875 N. woman 374 N.
ladylike: fashion 852 Adj. woman 374 Adj.
ladylove: love 897 N.
lady's maid: servant 746 N.
laetificant: pleasurableness 829 Adj.
laetrile: preservation 670 N.
laevo-: sinistrality 239 Adj.
lag: inactivity 683 V. inactivity 683 N. slowness 275 V.
lager beer: food 298 N.
laggard: unwillingness 603 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj.
lagging: inactivity 683 Adj.
lagoon: gulf, lake 343 N.
lagune: gulf, lake 343 N.
laical: laity 997 Adj.
laid by the heels: restraint 751 Adj.
laid low: weakness 160 Adj.
laid on one's back: impotence 158 Adj.
laid on the shelf: impotence 158 Adj.
laid up: disease 655 Adj.
lain: artlessness 703 Adj.
lair: abode 189 N. uncleanness 653 N.
laird: master 745 N. possessor 779 N. nobility 875 N.
lais: libertine 962 N.
laity: laity 997 N.
lake: gulf, lake 343 N. redness 434 N.
lama: master 745 N. clergy 996 N.
lamarkism: organization 357 N.
lamb of god: spell 993 N.
lamb: infant 129 N. animal 366 N. innocence 946 N.
lamba chauki: support 215 N.
lamba kursi: support 215 N.
lambaste: punishment 972 V.
lambent flame: heat 382 N. light 420 N.
lambent: touch 379 Adj. light 420 Adj.
lambeth: temple 1000 N.
lambkin: infant 129 N. animal 366 N.
lamblike: inexcitability 826 Adj.
lamb-like: innocence 946 Adj.
lame apology: Pretext 617 N.
lame duck: nonpayment 808 N.
lame excuse: Pretext 617 N.
lame: disease 655 Adj. inutility 645 V. weakness 160 Adj. impotence 158 V. incompleteness 53 Adj. deterioration 659 Adj. imperfection 651 Adj.
lamella: layer 204 N.
lamellar: layer 204 Adj.
lamellated: layer 204 Adj.
lamelliform: layer 204 Adj.
lament with: condolence 915 V.
lament: discontent 832 V. lamentation 839 N. lamentation 839 V. disapprobation 932 V.
lamentable: regret 833 Adj. dejection 837 Adj. badness 649 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj.
lamentably: greatness 31 Adv.
lamentation: regret 833 N. lamentation 839 N. condolence 915 N.
lamenting: lamentation 839 Adj.
lamia: sorcerer 994 N. demon 980 N.
lamina: part 51 N. layer 204 N.
laminated: layer 204 Adj.
laminiferous: layer 204 Adj.
lammas: rite 998 N.
lamp of aladdin: spell 993 N.
lamp oil: fuel 388 N.
lamp: luminary 423 N.
lampblack: blackness 431 N.
lampoon: misrepresentation 555 N. disapprobation 932 V. detraction 934 N. detraction 934 V. imitation 19 V. imitation 19 N.
lampooner: detractor 936 N.
lanai: receptacle 191 N.
lanate: smoothness 255 Adj. roughness 256 Adj.
lanated: roughness 256 Adj.
lancaster gun: arms 727 N.
lance corporal: master 745 N.
lance: arms 727 N. propulsion 284 V. opening 260 V.
lanceolate: sharpness 253 Adj.
lancer: combatant 726 N.
lance-shaped: sharpness 253 Adj.
lancet: sharpness 253 N. perforator 262 N.
lanciform: sharpness 253 Adj.
lancinate: physical pain 378 V. painfulness 830 V.
land covered with water: gulf, lake 343 N.
land holder: possessor 779 N.
land lady: possessor 779 N.
land lubber: bungler 701 N.
land of prester john: imagination 515 N.
land on one's feet: prosperity 734 V. safety 664 V.
land owner: possessor 779 N.
land shark: thief 792 N.
land surveying: measurement 466 N.
land surveyor: measurement 466 N.
land: arrival 292 V. navigation 267 V. land 342 N. land 342 V. property 780 N.
landamman: master 745 N.
landau: vehicle 272 N.
landed gentry: possessor 779 N.
landed property: property 780 N.
landed: land 342 Adj. property 780 Adj.
landing place: support 215 N. arrival 292 N.
landing ship: ship 273 N.
landing stage: support 215 N. arrival 292 N.
landing strip: arrival 292 N.
landing: arrival 292 N.
landlocked: circumscription 229 Adj.
landloper: traveler 268 N.
landlord: possessor 779 N.
landmark: indication 550 N. limit 233 N. measurement 466 N.
landreeve: director 694 N.
lands: property 780 N.
landscape gardening: beauty 845 N. agriculture 371 N.
landscape painter: artist 559 N.
landscape painting: painting 556 N.
landscape: painting 556 N. appearance 448 N.
landscaping: beauty 845 N.
landslide: descent 306 N.
landslip: descent 306 N.
landsman: land 342 N.
lane: abode 189 N. method 627 N.
langrage shot: arms 727 N.
langrel shot: arms 727 N.
language: language 560 N.
languid: weakness 160 Adj. slowness 275 Adj. feebleness 575 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj. insensibility 823 Adj.
languish for: desire 865 V.
languish: nonincrease, decrease 36 V. pain 828 V. inactivity 683 V. weakness 160 V. disease 655 V.
languishing: weakness 160 Adj.
languishment: lamentation 839 N.
languor: weakness 160 N. physical inertness 172 N. slowness 275 N. inactivity 683 N.
laniate: destruction 162 V.
lank: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj.
lanky: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj. height 206 Adj.
lantern jaws: narrowness, thinness 203 N.
lantern of diogenes: inquiry 461 N.
lantern: luminary 423 N. opening 260 N.
lantern-jawed: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj.
lanthorn: luminary 423 N.
lanuginose: roughness 256 Adj.
lanuginous: roughness 256 Adj.
laocoon: sculpture 557 N.
lap dog: animal 366 N.
lap of luxury: intemperance 954 N. physical pleasure 377 N.
lap of pleasure: intemperance 954 N.
lap up: clothing 225 V.
lap: food 298 V. clothing 225 V. interiority 221 N. support 215 N. abode 189 N. circumjacence 227 V.
lapdog: servility 886 N.
lapel microphone: hearing 418 N.
lapel pin: jewelry 847a N.
lapel: fold 258 N.
lapidarian: engraving 558 N. jewelry 847a N. smoothness 255 N.
lapidary: smoothness 255 N. engraving 558 Adj. engraving 558 N. jewelry 847a N.
lapidate: punishment 972 V. killing 361 V. attack 716 V.
lapidation: killing 361 N.
lapidescence: hardness 323 N.
lapidification: hardness 323 N.
lapis lazuli: blueness 438 N. jewelry 847a N.
lappet: adjunct 39 N.
lapse of memory: oblivion 506 N.
lapse of time: course 109 N.
lapse: vice 945 V. loss 776 V. loss 776 N. relapse 661 V. deterioration 659 Adj. descent 306 N. conversion 144 V. course 109 V. conversion 144 N. guilt 947 N. the past 122 V. relapse 661 N.
lapsed: the past 122 Adj.
lapster: servant 746 N.
lapt: circumscription 229 Adj.
larboard: sinistrality 239 N.
larceny: stealing 791 N.
lard: oil 356 N.
lardaceous: unctuousness 355 Adj.
larder: store 636 N.
large as life: size 192 Adj.
large calorie: heat 382 N.
large hearted: liberality 816 Adj.
large number: multitude 102 N.
large: greatness 31 Adj. size 192 Adj.
large-hearted: disinterestedness 942 Adj. benevolence 906 Adj. philanthropy 910 Adj.
largeness: size 192 N.
larger: expansion 194 Adj.
largess: giving 784 N.
largest portion: size 192 N.
larghetto: music 415 Adv. slowness 275 Adv.
largiloquent: diffuseness 573 Adj. loquacity 584 Adj.
largo: slowness 275 Adv. music 415 Adv.
lariat: connection 45 N.
larigo: connection 45 N.
lark: amusement 840 N. ascent 305 N.
larrikin: evil 913 N. blusterer 887 N.
larrup: punishment 972 V.
larum: loudness 404 N. alarm 669 N.
larva: infant 129 N.
larynx: airpipe 351 N.
lasciviency: impurity 961 N.
lascivious: impurity 961 Adj.
laser: luminary 423 N.
laser-straight: straightness 246 Adj.
lash into fury: violence 173 V. resentment 900 V. excitation 824 V.
lash into madness: resentment 900 V.
lash the waves: inutility 645 V.
lash: motive 615 V. punishment 972 V. disapprobation 932 V. violence 173 V. junction 43 V. punishment 972 N. scourge 975 N.
lass: infant 129 N.
lassie: infant 129 N.
lassitude: fatigue 688 N. weariness 841 N.
lasso: circularity 247 N. connection 45 N.
lassoo: circularity 247 N.
last agonies: death 360 N.
last breath: death 360 N.
last but one: end 67 Adj.
last but two: end 67 Adj.
last finish: completion 729 N.
last forever: perpetuity 112 V.
last gasp: death 360 N.
last resort: refuge 666 N. necessity 601 N.
last shift: plan 626 N. necessity 601 N.
last stage: end 67 N.
last touch: completion 729 N.
last will and testament: security 771 N.
last word: fashion 852 N.
last year: the past 122 Adv.
last: the past 122 Adj. prototype 22 N. existence 1 V. permanence 141 V. end 67 N. diuturnity 110 V. end 67 Adj.
lasting friendship: friendship 888 N.
lasting: diuturnity 110 Adj.
lastingness: diuturnity 110 N.
latch: junction 43 V. connection 45 N.
latchet: connection 45 N.
latchkey: instrumentality 631 N.
late in the day: lateness 133 Adv.
late: the past 122 Adj. death 360 Adj. newness 123 Adj. lateness 133 Adj. lateness 133 Adv.
lately: the past 122 Adv. newness 123 Adv.
latency: unintelligibility 519 N. pitfall 667 N. secret 533 N. latency, implication 526 N. invisibility 447 N. physical inertness 172 N. concealment 528 N.
lateness: lateness 133 N.
latent: physical inertness 172 Adj. unintelligibility 519 Adj. latency, implication 526 Adj.
later: posteriority 117 Adj. posteriority 117 Adv.
lateral: laterality 236 Adj.
laterality: laterality 236 N.
laterally: laterality 236 Adv.
lateritious: redness 434 Adj.
latest fashion: newness 123 N.
lateward: lateness 133 Adv.
latex: elasticity 325 N.
lath: filament 205 N.
lathe: government 737a N. instrument 633 N.
lather: lubrication 332 N. lubrication 332 V. bubble; cloud 353 N.
lathi: support 215 N.
latifoliate: breadth, thickness 202 Adj.
latifolous: breadth, thickness 202 Adj.
latitancy: concealment 528 N.
latitat: lawsuit 969 N.
latitation: concealment 528 N.
latitude and longitude: situation 183 N. measurement 466 N.
latitude: breadth, thickness 202 N. region 181 N. space 180 N. freedom 748 N.
latitudinarian: heterodoxy 984 N. irreligion 989 N.
latitudinarianism: heterodoxy 984 N.
latrant: ululation 412 Adj.
latration: ululation 412 N.
latria: worship 990 N.
latrines: uncleanness 653 N.
latrocinium: stealing 791 N.
latrociny: stealing 791 N.
latter: sequence 63 Adj. the past 122 Adj.
latter-day saint: heterodoxy 984 N.
latterly: newness 123 Adv.
lattice: crossing 219 N. opening 260 N.
laud: approbation 931 N. approbation 931 V. worship 990 V. congratulation 896 V.
laudable: virtue 944 Adj.
laudanum: moderation 174 N.
laudation: approbation 931 N.
laudatory: approbation 931 Adj.
laugh at: ridicule 856 V. disrespect 929 V. contempt 930 V.
laugh in one's sleeve: amusement 840 V. contempt 930 V. ridicule 856 V. latency, implication 526 V. disrespect 929 V.
laugh outright: amusement 840 V.
laugh to scorn: defiance 715 V. disrespect 929 V. contempt 930 V.
laugh up one's sleeve: contempt 930 V.
laugh: amusement 840 V. rejoicing 838 V.
laughable: rejoicing 838 Adj. ridiculousness 853 Adj. amusement 840 Adj.
laughing gas: physical insensibility 376 N.
laughing: amusement 840 Adj.
laughingstock: dupe 547 N. ridiculousness 853 N. laughingstock 857 N.
laughter: cheerfulness 836 N. rejoicing 838 N. amusement 840 N.
laughter-loving: cheerfulness 836 Adj.
launch forth: undertaking 676 V.
launch into eternity: killing 361 V.
launch into orbit dash: propulsion 284 V.
launch into: undertaking 676 V.
launch out against: attack 716 V.
launch out: diffuseness 573 V.
launch: propulsion 284 V. ship 273 N. beginning 66 V. propulsion 284 N.
launched into eternity: death 360 Adj.
launching pad: departure 293 N.
launder money: stealing 791 V.
launder: cleanness 652 V. stealing 791 V.
laundress: cleanness 652 N. servant 746 N.
laundry: receptacle 191 N. furnace 386 N. cleanness 652 N.
laundryman: cleanness 652 N.
laureate: poetry 597 N. nobility 875 N.
laurel: trophy 733 N. title 877 N.
laurels: trophy 733 N. repute 873 N.
lava: excretion 299 N. semiliquidity 352 N.
lavage: insertion 300 N.
lavation: cleanness 652 N.
lavatory: receptacle 191 N. cleanness 652 N.
lave: water 337 V. cleanness 652 V.
lavement: insertion 300 N.
lavender: purple 437 Adj.
lavish of praise: approbation 931 Adj.
lavish: prodigality 818 Adj. sufficiency 639 Adj. prodigality 818 V. giving 784 V. redundancy 641 Adj. redundancy 641 V.
lavishment: redundancy 641 N.
law of nations: legality 963 N.
law student: learner 541 N. lawyer 968 N.
law: conformity 82 N. precept 697 N. permission 760 N. right 922 N. legality 963 N.
lawful: permission 760 Adj. legality 963 Adj. right 922 Adj. dueness 924 Adj.
lawgiver: director 694 N.
lawless: unconformity 83 Adj. disobedience 742 Adj. nonobservance 773 Adj. vice 945 Adj. illegality 964 Adj.
lawlessness: nonobservance 773 N. illegality 964 N.
law-making: council 696 Adj.
lawn roller: smoothness 255 N.
lawn sleeves: canonicals 999 N.
lawn spray: river 348 N.
lawn tennis: amusement 840 N.
lawn: agriculture 371 N. plain 344 N.
laws of motion: motion 264 N.
lawsuit: accusation 938 N. lawsuit 969 N.
lawyer: legality 963 N. lawyer 968 N.
lax: incoherence 47 Adj. vice 945 Adj. feebleness 575 Adj. laxity 738 Adj.
laxative: cleanness 652 N. remedy 662 Adj.
laxity: incoherence 47 N. improbity 940 N. irreligion 989 N. vice 945 N. laxity 738 N. softness 324 N. error 495 N. nonobservance 773 N.
laxness: laxity 738 N.
lay a heavy hand on: severity 739 V.
lay a snare for: deception 545 V.
lay a train: preparation 673 V. plan 626 V.
lay a trap for: danger 665 V.
lay a trap: deception 545 V.
lay a wager: chance 621 V.
lay a wet blanket on: dullness 843 V.
lay a wet blanket: hindrance 706 V.
lay about one: activity 682 V. exertion 686 V. attack 716 V. punishment 972 V. contention 720 V.
lay an embargo on: quiescence 265 V.
lay apart: exclusion 55 V. store 636 V. relinquishment 782 V.
lay aside: relinquishment 782 V. neglect 460 V. exclusion 55 V. disuse 678 V. rejection 610 V.
lay at one's feet: offer 763 V.
lay at: attribution 155 V.
lay bare one's mind: disclosure 529 V.
lay bare: disclosure 529 V.
lay before one: manifestation 525 V.
lay before the public: publication 531 V.
lay before: information 527 V.
lay blame upon: disapprobation 932 V.
lay brother: clergy 996 N.
lay by the heels: taking 789 V.
lay by: store 636 V. disease 655 V. disuse 678 V.
lay charge: accusation 938 V.
lay claim to: dueness 924 V. command 741 V.
lay down a plan: plan 626 V.
lay down one's arms: pacification 723 V. submission 725 V.
lay down one's life: death 360 V.
lay down the law: affirmation 535 V. certainty 474 V. command 741 V. insolence 885 V. authority 737 V.
lay down: resignation 757 V. relinquishment 782 V. affirmation 535 V. horizontality 213 V. location 184 V. payment 807 V.
lay fast hold of: taking 789 V.
lay hands on: rite 998 V.
lay heads together: advice 695 V.
lay hold of: taking 789 V.
lay in a stock: provision 637 V.
lay in a store: provision 637 V.
lay in ashes: destruction 162 V.
lay in provisions: preparation 673 V.
lay in ruins: destruction 162 V.
lay in store: store 636 V.
lay in the dust: destruction 162 V.
lay in the grave: interment 363 V.
lay in the tomb: interment 363 V.
lay in: food 298 V. provision 637 V. store 636 Adj.
lay it on thick: covering 223 V. flattery 933 V.
lay on the shelf: disuse 678 V. relinquishment 782 V.
lay on thick: redundancy 641 V.
lay on: punishment 972 V.
lay one's account for: belief 484 V.
lay one's finger: discovery 480a V.
lay one's hands on: taking 789 V. use 677 V.
lay one's hands upon: discovery 480a V.
lay one's heads together: cooperation 709 V.
lay oneself open to: liability 177 V. danger 665 V.
lay oneself out for: preparation 673 V.
lay open: manifestation 525 V. disclosure 529 V. divestment 226 V. opening 260 V.
lay out: interment 363 V. plan 626 V. expenditure 809 V. horizontality 213 V.
lay over: lateness 133 V.
lay siege to: attack 716 V.
lay stress on: reasoning 476 V. affirmation 535 V. importance 642 V.
lay the ax to the root of: destruction 162 V.
lay the basis: preparation 673 V.
lay the blame on: accusation 938 V.
lay the finger on: attention 457 V.
lay the first stone: preparation 673 V. beginning 66 V.
lay the foundation of: cause 153 V.
lay the foundations: beginning 66 V. preparation 673 V.
lay the groundwork: preparation 673 V.
lay to heart: dejection 837 V.
lay to one's door: accusation 938 V.
lay to: quiescence 265 V. attribution 155 V.
lay together: junction 43 V.
lay under contribution: taking 789 V. dueness 924 V.
lay under hatches: restraint 751 V.
lay under restraint: restraint 751 V.
lay up in a napkin: disuse 678 V.
lay up in ordinary: disuse 678 V.
lay up: disuse 678 V. store 636 V. disease 655 V.
lay violent hands on: taking 789 V.
lay waste: destruction 162 V.
lay: chance 621 V. laity 997 Adj. moderation 174 V. poetry 597 N. music 415 N. plain 344 N. production 161 V. location 184 V. hindrance 706 V.
layer: layer 204 N.
layered: layer 204 Adj.
layette: clothing 225 N.
lay-figure: representation 554 N. prototype 22 N.
laying on of hands: rite 998 N.
layman: laity 997 N.
laystall: uncleanness 653 N.
lazaretto: remedy 662 N.
lazarhouse: remedy 662 N.
lazarillo de tormes: knave 941 N.
lazy as ludlam's dog: inactivity 683 Adj.
lazy suzan: rotation 312 N.
lazy: inactivity 683 Adj.
lb: gravity 319 N.
le beau ideal: beauty 845 N.
le pas: precedence 62 N. precession 280 N.
le premier pas: beginning 66 N.
le style c'est de l'homme: style 569 Phr.
lea: plain 344 N. land 342 N.
lead a life: conduct 692 V.
lead a pretty dance: circuit 629 V. difficulty 704 V.
lead an easy life: inactivity 683 V.
lead astray: error 495 V.
lead by the nose: motive 615 V. authority 737 V.
lead captive: subjection 749 V. restraint 751 V.
lead into captivity: restraint 751 V.
lead into error: error 495 V.
lead off: beginning 66 V.
lead on: direction 693 V.
lead one a dance: disrespect 929 V. avoidance 623 V.
lead one a pretty dance: avoidance 623 V.
lead one to expect: expectation 507 V. prediction 511 V.
lead the choir: worship 990 V.
lead the dance: influence 175 V. precession 280 V. precedence 62 V.
lead the way: beginning 66 V. precession 280 V. importance 642 V. direction 693 V. repute 873 V. precedence 62 V.
lead: depth 208 N. superiority 33 N. gravity 319 N. direction 693 V. tendency 176 V. precedence 62 V. government 737a N.
leaden: gray 432 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj. achromatism 429 Adj. dimness 422 Adj.
leader of fashion: fashion 852 N.
leader: dissertation 595 N. director 694 N. master 745 N. lawyer 968 N. precursor 64 N.
leading article: dissertation 595 N.
leading note: melody concord 413 N.
leading question: inquiry 461 N.
leading string: prison 752 N.
leading strings: youth 127 N.
leading to no end: inutility 645 Adj.
leading to the altar: marriage 903 N.
leading: importance 642 Adj. precession 280 Adj. beginning 66 Adj. precession 280 N.
leads: covering 223 N.
leaf: layer 204 N. vegetable 367 N. part 51 N. book 593 N.
leafless: divestment 226 Adj.
leaflet: part 51 N. book 593 N.
leafy: roughness 256 Adj.
league together: cooperation 709 V.
league: length 200 N. party 712 N. concord 714 N.
leak out: disclosure 529 V.
leak: waste 638 V. egress 295 V. interval 198 N.
leakage: waste 638 N. egress 295 N.
leaky: imperfection 651 Adj.
lean as a rake: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj.
lean on a broken reed: danger 665 V. unskillfulness 699 V. rashness 863 V.
lean on: support 215 V.
lean to: willingness 602 V.
lean towards: wrong 923 V.
lean upon: subjection 749 V. hope 858 V. belief 484 V.
lean witted: imbecility folly 499 Adj.
lean: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj.
leaned: knowledge 490 Adj.
leaning to: tendency 176 N.
leaning: wrong 923 N. desire 865 N. willingness 602 N. obliquity 217 N.
lean-to: receptacle 191 N.
leap in the dark: chance 621 N. rashness 863 N. danger 665 N. experiment 463 N. uncertainty 475 N.
leap of faith: rashness 863 N.
leap to a conclusion: misjudgment 481 V.
leap with joy: rejoicing 838 V.
leap year: chronometry 114 N. regularity of recurrence 138 N.
leap: leap 309 N. ascent 305 V. revolution 146 N. leap 309 V.
leapfrog: amusement 840 N.
leaping: leap 309 Adj.
learn at one's fingers': memory 505 V.
learn by experience: penitence 950 V.
learn by heart: learning 539 V.
learn by rote: learning 539 V.
learn one's trade: learning 539 V.
learn: learner 541 V. learning 539 V. information 527 V. discovery 480a V. habit 613 V.
learned in the law: lawyer 968 Adj.
learned man: scholar 492 N.
learned theban: scholar 492 N.
learned: scholar 492 Adj.
learner: learner 541 N.
learning: knowledge 490 N. learning 539 N.
lease and release: transfer 783 N.
lease: lending 787 V. property 780 N.
leash: junction 43 V. triality 92 N.
least common denominator: mean 29 N.
least: inferiority 34 Adj.
leather or prunello: unimportance 643 N.
leather: covering 223 N. tenacity 327 N. punishment 972 V.
leathery: tenacity 327 Adj.
leave a card: sociality 892 V.
leave a loophole: facility 705 V.
leave a loose thread: neglect 460 V.
leave a place: departure 293 V.
leave 'ad referendum': irresolution 605 V.
leave alone: freedom 748 V. permission 760 V. inaction 681 V.
leave an aching void: regret 833 V.
leave an inference: latency, implication 526 V.
leave in the background: disrepute 874 V.
leave in the dark: concealment 528 V.
leave in the lurch: transcursion 303 V. relinquishment 624 V.
leave in the rear: transcursion 303 V.
leave it to one: permission 760 V.
leave no stone unturned: inquiry 461 V. exertion 686 V.
leave no trace: disappearance 449 V. obliteration 552 V.
leave not a rack behind: inexistence 2 V. obliteration 552 V.
leave 'not a rack behind': disappearance 449 V.
leave off a custom: desuetude 614 V.
leave off a habit: desuetude 614 V.
leave off a usage: desuetude 614 V.
leave off!: cessation 142 Int.
leave off: cessation 142 V. relinquishment 624 V. disuse 678 V.
leave one's mark: repute 873 V.
leave out: exclusion 55 V.
leave school: learning 539 V.
leave taking: departure 293 N.
leave the beaten path: unconformity 83 V.
leave the beaten track: unconformity 83 V.
leave the door open: permission 760 V.
leave the matter open: facility 705 V.
leave to chance: chance 621 V.
leave to oneself: freedom 748 V.
leave undecided: absence of choice 609a V.
leave undone: noncompletion 730 V.
leave unfinished: noncompletion 730 V.
leave word: information 527 V.
leave: disjunction 44 V. giving 784 V. relinquishment 624 V. permission 760 N. remainder 40 V.
leaven: qualification 469 V. bane 663 N. deterioration 659 N. deterioration 659 Adj. uncleanness 653 N. levity 320 V. levity 320 N. cause 153 N. component 56 N. uncleanness 653 V.
leaving no trace: obliteration 552 Adj.
leavings: remainder 40 N. inutility 645 N.
lecher: libertine 962 N.
lecherous: impurity 961 Adj.
lechery: impurity 961 N.
lectern: temple 1000 N. school 542 N.
lection: interpretation 522 N. speciality 79 N.
lecture room: school 542 N.
lecture: dissertation 595 N. rite 998 V. rite 998 N. disapprobation 932 N. allocution 586 V. speech 582 V. speech 582 N. teaching 537 V. teaching 537 N. disapprobation 932 V.
lecturer: teacher 540 N. clergy 996 N.
lectureship: school 542 N.
led by the nose: subjection 749 Adj.
led captain: servility 886 N. favorite 899 N. servant 746 N.
ledge: convexity 250 N. height 206 N. horizontality 213 N. support 215 N.
ledger: accounts 811 N. list 86 N. record 551 N.
lee shore: pitfall 667 N.
lee side: laterality 236 N.
lee wall: refuge 666 N.
lee way: compensation 30 V.
lee: laterality 236 N.
leech: remedy 662 N. advice 695 N.
leechcraft: remedy 662 N.
leeches: remedy 662 N.
lee-enfield rifle: arms 727 N.
leef: pleasurableness 829 Adj.
lee-metford rifle: arms 727 N.
leer: vision 441 N. vision 441 V. indication 550 N. indication 550 V.
leery: cunning 702 Adj.
lees: uncleanness 653 N.
leeway: space 180 N. navigation 267 N. lateness 133 N. shortcoming 304 N.
left alone: freedom 748 Adj.
left arrow: indication 550 N.
left behind: remainder 40 Adj.
left bower: amusement 840 N.
left curly brace: indication 550 N.
left hand: sinistrality 239 N.
left in the lurch: failure 732 Adj.
left over: remainder 40 Adj.
left parenthesis: indication 550 N.
left to oneself: freedom 748 Adj.
left to shift for oneself: seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj.
left: remainder 40 Adj. sinistrality 239 N. relinquishment 782 Adj.
left-handed compliment: disapprobation 932 N.
left-handed marriage: marriage 903 N.
left-handed: sinistrality 239 Adj. unskillfulness 699 Adj.
leg: thief 792 N. support 215 N.
legacy: property 780 N. giving 784 N.
legadero: connection 45 N.
legal adviser: lawyer 968 N.
legal assistant: lawyer 968 N.
legal authority: government 737a N.
legal beagle: lawyer 968 N.
legal counsel: legality 963 N. lawyer 968 N.
legal estate: property 780 N.
legal pledge: affirmation 535 N.
legal process: legality 963 N.
legal profession: lawyer 968 N.
legal research: evidence 467 N.
legal secretary: lawyer 968 N.
legal tender: money 800 N.
legal: dueness 924 Adj. permission 760 Adj. legality 963 Adj.
legality: legality 963 N.
legalize: dueness 924 V. legality 963 V.
legalized: dueness 924 Adj. legality 963 Adj. permission 760 Adj.
legally: legality 963 Adv.
legatary: possessor 779 N. receiving 785 N.
legate: messenger 534 N. consignee 758 N.
legatee: possessor 779 N. receiving 785 N.
legation: commission 755 N.
legato: music 415 Adv.
legend: record 551 N. description 594 N.
legendary: imagination 515 Adj. description 594 Adj.
legerdemain: revolution 146 N. deception 545 N.
legging: clothing 225 N.
legibility: intelligibility 518 N.
legible hand: writing 590 N.
legible: intelligibility 518 Adj.
legion: multitude 102 N. combatant 726 N.
legionary: combatant 726 N.
legionnaire: combatant 726 N.
legislate for: direction 693 V.
legislate: legality 963 V.
legislation: direction 693 N. legality 963 N.
legislative assembly: council 696 N.
legislative council: council 696 N.
legislative: council 696 Adj. legality 963 Adj.
legislator: director 694 N.
legislatorial: legality 963 Adj.
legislature: direction 693 N. government 737a N. legality 963 N.
legist: lawyer 968 N.
legitimacy: legality 963 N.
legitimate: permission 760 Adj. legality 963 Adj. truth 494 Adj. dueness 924 Adj. right 922 Adj.
legitimateness: legality 963 N.
legs: journey 266 N.
legume: vegetable 367 N.
legumin: density 321 N.
leguminous: vegetable 367 Adj.
leiodermatous: smoothness 255 Adj.
leisure: leisure 685 N. amusement 840 N. leisure 685 Adj.
leisurely: lateness 133 Adv. slowness 275 Adj. slowness 275 Adv. leisure 685 Adj.
leman: love 897 N.
lemma: reasoning 476 N.
lemon yellow: yellowness 436 Adj.
lemon: vehicle 272 N.
lemon-colored: yellowness 436 Adj.
lemonyellow: yellowness 436 N.
lempriere: Jupiter 979 N.
lemures: demon 980 N.
lend a color to: Pretext 617 V.
lend a color: vindication 937 N.
lend a hand: aid 707 V. action 680 V.
lend a helping hand: aid 707 V.
lend a willing ear: willingness 602 V.
lend an ear to: attention 457 V.
lend an ear: hearing 418 V.
lend color to: probability 472 V.
lend foundations: support 215 V.
lend on security: security 771 V. lending 787 V.
lend one's aid: aid 707 V.
lend one's countenance to: aid 707 V.
lend oneself to: assent 488 V. aid 707 V. cooperation 709 V.
lend support: support 215 V.
lend wings to: aid 707 V.
lend: lending 787 V.
lender: lending 787 N. credit 805 N.
lending: lending 787 Adj. lending 787 N.
length and breadth of: whole 50 N.
length: space 180 N. distance 196 N. length 200 N.
lengthen out: lateness 133 V. diuturnity 110 V.
lengthen: length 200 V.
lengthened: length 200 Adj.
lengthening: length 200 N.
lengthwise: length 200 Adv.
lengthy: length 200 Adj. diffuseness 573 Adj.
lenience: lenity 740 N.
leniency: lenity 740 N. pity 914 N.
lenient: moderation 174 Adj. lenity 740 Adj. pity 914 Adj.
lenify: moderation 174 V.
lenitive: remedy 662 N. relief 834 Adj. relief 834 N. moderation 174 Adj. moderation 174 N. remedy 662 Adj.
lenity: moderation 174 N. lenity 740 N.
lens shaped: curvature 245 Adj.
lens system: optical instruments 445 N.
lens: optical instruments 445 N.
lensman: artist 559 N.
lent: fasting 956 N. rite 998 N. lending 787 Adj.
lenten diet: fasting 956 N.
lenten entertainment: fasting 956 N.
lenten: regularity of recurrence 138 Adj. fasting 956 Adj.
lenticular: convexity 250 Adj. curvature 245 Adj.
lentiform: curvature 245 Adj. convexity 250 Adj.
lentiginous: pulverulence 330 Adj. uncleanness 653 Adj.
lentor: semiliquidity 352 N. inactivity 683 N. slowness 275 N.
lentous: semiliquidity 352 Adj.
leonine verse: poetry 597 N.
leopard: variegation 440 N.
leopard's spots: stability 150 N.
lepidote: pulverulence 330 Adj.
leprechaun: demon 980 N.
leprosy: disease 655 N.
leprous: disease 655 Adj.
lerret: ship 273 N.
lesbian: woman 374 N. sexuality 374a Adj.
lesbianism: sexuality 374a N. vice 945 N.
less: inferiority 34 Adv. nonaddition, subtraction 38 Adv. inferiority 34 Adj.
lessee: receiving 785 N. possessor 779 N.
lessen an evil: improvement 658 V.
lessen: nonincrease, decrease 36 V. moderation 174 V. contraction 195 V.
lessening: nonincrease, decrease 36 N. contraction 195 N.
lesser: inferiority 34 Adj.
lesson: teaching 537 N. warning 668 N.
lessor: credit 805 N.
lest: avoidance 623 Adj.
let alone: unconformity 83 Adv. freedom 748 V. noncompletion 730 V. inaction 681 V. disuse 678 V. avoidance 623 V. permanence 141 V. addition 37 Adv. quiescence 265 V.
let be: inaction 681 V. continuance in action 143 V. permanence 141 V.
let blood: remedy 662 V. ejection 297 V.
let bygones be bygones: forgiveness 918 V. oblivion 506 V.
let down a peg: depression 308 V.
let down: depression 308 V. humility 879 N. humility 879 V.
let drop: depression 308 V. disclosure 529 V.
let fall: descent 306 V. speech 582 V. disclosure 529 V. depression 308 V. information 527 V.
let fly at: attack 716 V.
let fly: violence 173 V. propulsion 284 V.
let go: restitution 790 V. relinquishment 782 V. liberation 750 V. neglect 460 V.
let in: reception 296 V. interposition 228 V. deception 545 V.
let into the secret: disclosure 529 V.
let into: knowledge 490 Adj.
let it be: permanence 141 V.
let it have its way: inaction 681 V.
let it pass: neglect 460 Int.
let loose: liberation 750 V.
let me go!: liberation 750 Int.
let me tell you: affirmation 535 Adv.
let off a gun at: attack 716 V.
let off one's chest: information 527 V.
let off scot-free: acquittal 970 V.
let off: permission 760 V. acquittal 970 V. forgiveness 918 V. exemption 927a V. propulsion 284 V.
let one down easily: forgiveness 918 V.
let one know: information 527 V.
let out at: attack 716 V.
let out: liberation 750 V. disclosure 529 V. ejection 297 V. nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V. length 200 V.
let pass: neglect 460 V. inaction 681 V.
let sleeping dogs lie: caution 864 V.
let slip the dogs of war: warfare 722 V.
let slip: liberation 750 V. loss 776 V. relinquishment 782 V. neglect 460 V. information 527 V. noncompletion 730 V. disclosure 529 V.
let the decision stand: inaction 681 Phr.
let the galled jade wince: boasting 884 Phr.
let the matter stand over: lateness 133 V.
let the wound heal: forgiveness 918 V.
let those believe who may: unbelief doubt 485 Phr.
let well alone: caution 864 V. content 831 V. inaction 681 V.
let well enough alone: content 831 V. caution 864 V. inaction 681 V.
let: security 771 V. permission 760 V. hindrance 706 V. sale 796 V. hindrance 706 N. lending 787 V.
lethal injection: punishment 972 N. scourge 975 N.
lethal: killing 361 Adj.
lethargic: inactivity 683 Adj.
lethargical: inactivity 683 Adj.
lethargy: inactivity 683 N. insensibility 823 N.
lethe: oblivion 506 N.
lethean: oblivion 506 Adj.
lethiferous: killing 361 Adj.
let's be red with mirth: sociality 892 Phr.
let's get going!: beginning 66 Phr.
letter bag: messenger 534 N.
letter card: correspondence 592 N.
letter of credit: credit 805 N. money 800 N.
letter of the law: meaning 516 N.
letter: writing 590 N. indication 550 N. letter 561 N. correspondence 592 N.
lettered: knowledge 490 Adj.
letterpress: printing 591 N.
letters of marque: stealing 791 N.
letters patent: permission 760 N.
letters: knowledge 490 N. language 560 N.
lettuce: food 298 N.
leuco-: insensibility 823 Adj.
leukemia: disease 655 N.
levant: avoidance 623 V. laterality 236 N.
levanter: wind 349 N. nonpayment 808 N.
levantine: laterality 236 Adj.
levee breakwater: hindrance 706 N.
levee: assemblage 72 N. land 342 N. sociality 892 N.
level at: intention 620 V. direction 278 V. attack 716 V.
level crossing: crossing 219 N.
level plane: horizontality 213 N.
level playing field: right 922 N.
level with the dust: destruction 162 V.
level with the ground: destruction 162 V. lowness 207 Adj.
level: depression 308 V. equality 27 Adj. horizontality 213 Adj. equality 27 N. smoothness 255 V. smoothness 255 Adj. flatness 251 V. flatness 251 N. flatness 251 Adj. horizontality 213 V. horizontality 213 N. uniformity 16 V.
lever: instrument 633 N. cause 153 N. elevation 307 N.
leverage: influence 175 N. instrument 633 N.
leviathan: size 192 N.
levigate: pulverulence 330 V.
levigation: pulverulence 330 N.
levin bolt: arms 727 N.
levin brand: arms 727 N.
levin: light 420 N. light 420 V.
levirate: marriage 903 N.
levis: clothing 225 N.
levite: clergy 996 N.
levity: irresolution 605 N. rashness 863 N. wit 842 N. cheerfulness 836 N. levity 320 N. unimportance 643 N.
levy blackmail: stealing 791 V.
levy: assemblage 72 N. combatant 726 N. taking 789 V. price 812 N.
lewd: impurity 961 Adj.
lexicographer: scholar 492 N.
lexicography: word 562 N.
lexicologist: scholar 492 N. word 562 N.
lexicology: language 560 N.
lexicon: word 562 N. list 86 N. school 542 N.
ley: plain 344 N.
liabilities: accounts 811 N.
liability: tendency 176 N. liability 177 N. subjection 749 N. money 800 N. debt 806 N. duty 926 N.
liable: tendency 176 Adj. duty 926 Adj. debt 806 Adj. liability 177 Adj. subjection 749 Adj.
liableness: liability 177 N.
liaison: impurity 961 N.
liar: deceiver 548 N.
libadist: heterodoxy 984 N.
libation: food 298 N. worship 990 N.
libations: drunkenness 959 N.
libel: detraction 934 N. detraction 934 V. accusation 938 N.
libeler: detractor 936 N.
libelous: detraction 934 Adj.
liberal education: teaching 537 N. knowledge 490 N.
liberal party: politics 737b N.
liberal: sufficiency 639 Adj. liberality 816 Adj. disinterestedness 942 Adj.
liberalism: politics 737b N. freedom 748 N. disinterestedness 942 N.
liberality: giving 784 N. disinterestedness 942 N. liberality 816 N.
liberals: party 712 N.
liberate: liberation 750 V. acquittal 970 V.
liberated: liberation 750 Adj.
liberation: liberation 750 N. escape 671 N. deliverance 672 N.
libertinage: impurity 961 N.
libertine: libertine 962 N. sensualist 954a N.
libertinish: impurity 961 N.
liberty hall: freedom 748 N.
liberty: freedom 748 N. permission 760 N. dueness 924 N. exemption 927a N.
libidinous: impurity 961 Adj. sexuality 374a Adj.
libido: sexuality 374a N.
librarian: book 593 N.
library research: experiment 463 N.
library: receptacle 191 N. book 593 N.
librate: oscillation 314 V.
libration: oscillation 314 N.
libratory: oscillation 314 Adj.
libretto: book 593 N. drama 599 N.
license to plunder: stealing 791 N.
license: exemption 927a N. dueness 924 N. permission 760 N. freedom 748 N. laxity 738 N. exemption 927a V. permission 760 V.
licensed: laxity 738 Adj.
licentious: intemperance 954 Adj. impurity 961 Adj.
licentiousness: intemperance 954 N. laxity 738 N.
licentitate: scholar 492 N.
lich gate: interment 363 N. opening 260 N.
lichen: vegetable 367 N.
licit: permission 760 Adj. dueness 924 Adj.
lick into shape: preparation 673 V. form 240 V.
lick the dust: failure 732 V. flattery 933 V. submission 725 V.
lick the feet of: servility 886 V.
lick: food 298 V. success 731 V. punishment 972 V.
lickerish tooth: desire 865 N.
lickerish: savoriness 394 Adj. greed 817a Adj. desire 865 Adj. fastidiousness 868 Adj. impurity 961 Adj.
lickpenny: parsimony 819 N.
lickspittle: servility 886 N.
licorice: sweetness 396 N.
lictor: jurisdiction 965 N.
lid: covering 223 N.
lie around: exteriority 220 V. circumjacence 227 V.
lie at one's door: duty 926 V.
lie at the mercy of: subjection 749 V.
lie at the root of: cause 153 V. importance 642 V.
lie between: interposition 228 V.
lie by: inaction 681 V.
lie down: repose 687 V. horizontality 213 V.
lie fallow: repose 687 V. inaction 681 V. nonpreparation 674 V.
lie flat: lowness 207 V. horizontality 213 V.
lie heavy on the mind: dejection 837 V.
lie heavy on the spirits: dejection 837 V.
lie hid: concealment 528 V. latency, implication 526 V.
lie idle: inaction 681 V.
lie in a nutshell: smallness 32 V. littleness 193 V.
lie in ambush: concealment 528 V. ambush 530 V.
lie in close: concealment 528 V.
lie in one's power: power 157 V.
lie in ordinary: inaction 681 V.
lie in wait for: ambush 530 V. expectation 507 V. preparation 673 V.
lie in wait: inaction 681 V.
lie in: production 161 V. existence 1 V.
lie like a conjuror: falsehood 544 V.
lie like a trooper: falsehood 544 V.
lie low: lowness 207 V.
lie on a level with: equality 27 V.
lie on one's head: duty 926 V.
lie on the shelf: inaction 681 V.
lie on the surface: intelligibility 518 V.
lie on: support 215 V.
lie over: lateness 133 V. destiny 152 V.
lie prostrate: horizontality 213 V.
lie rest upon one's oars: inaction 681 V.
lie still: quiescence 265 V.
lie to: inaction 681 V. quiescence 265 V.
lie under a disadvantage: imperfection 651 V.
lie under a necessity: necessity 601 V.
lie under an obligation: duty 926 V. gratitude 916 V.
lie under error: error 495 V.
lie under: liability 177 V.
lie unemployed: disuse 678 V.
lie upon: duty 926 V.
lie: deception 545 V. misteaching 538 V. deception 545 N. falsehood 544 V. presence 186 V. situation 183 V. horizontality 213 V. error 495 V. untruth 546 N.
lief: pleasurableness 829 Adj.
liege lord: master 745 N.
liege: master 745 N.
liegeman: servant 746 N.
lien: security 771 N. credit 805 N.
lienteria: uncleanness 653 N.
lientery: uncleanness 653 N.
lieu: place 182 N.
lieutenant colonel: master 745 N.
lieutenant general: master 745 N.
lieutenant: deputy 759 N. master 745 N.
life beyond the grave: destiny 152 N.
life boat: ship 273 N.
life buoy: refuge 666 N.
life ebbs: death 360 Phr.
life fails: death 360 Phr.
life guards: combatant 726 N.
life hangs by a thread: death 360 Phr.
life of the party: humorist 844 N.
life or death struggle: contention 720 N.
life preserver: arms 727 N.
life size: size 192 N.
life to come: life 359 N.
life: eventuality 151 N. conduct 692 N. activity 682 N. life 359 N. description 594 N. cheerfulness 836 N.
lifeblood: intrinsicality 5 N. life 359 N.
lifeboat: refuge 666 N.
life-giving: productiveness 168 Adj.
lifejacket: refuge 666 N.
lifeless: death 360 Adj. physical inertness 172 Adj.
lifelike: similarity 17 Adj. copy 21 Adj.
lifelong: diuturnity 110 Adj.
life-size print: painting 556 N.
lifetime: period 108 N.
life-weary: weariness 841 Adj.
lift a finger: action 680 V.
lift a hand against: attack 716 V.
lift a siege: pacification 723 V.
lift cattle: stealing 791 V.
lift one's head: prosperity 734 V.
lift one's voice: speech 582 V.
lift smoke: amusement 840 N.
lift the hand against: resistance 719 V.
lift the mask: disclosure 529 V.
lift the veil: disclosure 529 V.
lift up one's head: pride 878 V.
lift up the eyes: vision 441 V.
lift up the heart: worship 990 V.
lift up the veil: disclosure 529 V.
lift up the voice: cry 411 V.
lift: elevation 307 N. elevation 307 V. aid 707 N.
ligament: connection 45 N.
ligation: junction 43 N.
ligature: connection 45 N.
light and shade: light 420 N.
light as a feather: levity 320 Adj.
light as a thistle: levity 320 Adj.
light as air: levity 320 Adj.
light as day: light 420 Adj.
light as noonday: light 420 Adj.
light bulb: luminary 423 N.
light comedian: drama 599 N.
light comedy: drama 599 N.
light dragoon: combatant 726 N.
light footed: velocity 274 Adj.
light heart: cheerfulness 836 N.
light hearted: cheerfulness 836 Adj.
light horse: combatant 726 N.
light infantry: combatant 726 N.
light meter: measurement 466 N.
light of day: light 420 N.
light of heaven: light 420 N.
light of heel: velocity 274 Adj.
light of truth: veracity 543 N.
light on one's feet: prosperity 734 V.
light on one's legs: prosperity 734 V.
light pipe: optical instruments 445 N.
light purse: poverty 804 N.
light red: redness 434 N.
light refreshment: food 298 N.
light source: optical instruments 445 N.
light the torch of war: warfare 722 V.
light up: light 420 V. excitation 824 V. cheerfulness 836 V.
light upon one's feet: safety 664 V.
light upon: acquisition 775 V. discovery 480a V. arrival 292 V.
light: opening 260 N. impurity 961 Adj. smallness 32 Adj. velocity 274 N. arrival 292 V. descent 306 V. levity 320 Adj. rarity 322 Adj. calefaction 384 V. wit 842 Adj. light 420 Adj. light 420 N. light 420 V. luminary 423 N. whiteness 430 Adj. appearance 448 N. state 7 N. knowledge 490 N. interpretation 522 N. irresolution 605 Adj. unimportance 643 Adj. facility 705 Adj. cheerfulness 836 Adj. fuel 388 N.
light-colored: achromatism 429 Adj.
lighten the labor: facility 705 V.
lighten: levity 320 V. light 420 V. facility 705 V.
lighter than air: levity 320 Adj.
lighter: ship 273 N.
lighterman: mariner 269 N.
lighter-than-air balloon: levity 320 N.
light-fingered gentry: thief 792 N.
light-fingered: stealing 791 Adj.
light-footed: activity 682 Adj.
lightheaded: insanity 503 Adj.
lighthouse: warning 668 N. luminary 423 N. indication 550 N.
light-legged: velocity 274 Adj.
lightless: darkness 421 Adj.
light-minded: irresolution 605 Adj.
lightness: levity 320 N.
lightning bug: luminary 423 N.
lightning conductor: refuge 666 N.
lightning express: vehicle 272 N.
lightning rod: refuge 666 N.
lightning: velocity 274 N. light 420 N. luminary 423 N.
lightsome: cheerfulness 836 Adj. light 420 Adj. irresolution 605 Adj.
light-year: length 200 N.
light-years: distance 196 N.
lign-aloes: fragrance 400 N.
ligneous: vegetable 367 Adj.
lignograph: engraving 558 N.
lignography: engraving 558 N.
lignous: vegetable 367 Adj.
ligth detector: optical instruments 445 N.
like a bee in a bottle: roll 407 Adj.
like a cat in pattens: cleanness 652 Adj.
like a duck ion thunder: wonder 870 Adj.
like a furnace: heat 382 Adj.
like a giant refreshed: strength 159 Adj.
like a horse in a mill: rotation 312 Adv.
like a man: resolution 604 Adv.
like a shot: instantaneity 113 Adv.
like a thief in the night: inexpectation 508 Adv. concealment 528 Adv. improbity 940 Adv.
like a thunderbolt: inexpectation 508 Adv.
like an angel: love 897 Adj.
like an oven: heat 382 Adj.
like apples and oranges: incomparability 464a Phr.
like buckets in a well: oscillation 314 Adv.
like charges repel: repulsion 289 Phr.
like enough: probability 472 Adv.
like father, like son: posterity 167 Phr.
like father: similarity 17 Phr.
like ivory: whiteness 430 Adj.
like master like man: imitation 19 Phr.
like master: similarity 17 Phr.
like niobe all tears: lamentation 839 Adj.
like one possessed: insanity 503 Adv.
like pavlov's dog: absence of Intellect 450a Adv.
like poles repel: repulsion 289 Phr.
like servant: similarity 17 Phr.
like son: similarity 17 Phr.
like the last of pea time: age 128 Adj.
like tinder: irascibility 901 Adj.
like touchwood: irascibility 901 Adj.
like: desire 865 V. pleasure 827 V. representation 554 Adj. savoriness 394 V. similarity 17 Adj. love 897 V. approbation 931 V. relation 9 Adj.
likelihood: probability 472 N.
likeliness: probability 472 N.
likely: possibility 470 Adj. probability 472 Adj.
likeness: similarity 17 N. copy 21 N. representation 554 N.
likewise: addition 37 Adv.
likin: price 812 N.
liking: desire 865 N. love 897 N.
lilac: purple 437 Adj.
liliputian: littleness 193 Adj. littleness 193 N.
lilt: musician 416 V. cheerfulness 836 V.
lily liver: cowardice 862 N.
lily of the valley: beauty 845 N.
lily: whiteness 430 N. beauty 845 N.
lilyhearted: cowardice 862 Adj.
lily-livered: cowardice 862 Adj.
limature: pulverulence 330 N. friction 331 N.
limb of the law: lawyer 968 N.
limb: instrument 633 N. part 51 N. bad man 949 N.
limber: vehicle 272 N. softness 324 Adj.
limbo: restraint 751 N. prison 752 N. hell 982 N.
lime light: luminary 423 N.
lime: deception 545 V.
limekiln: furnace 386 N.
limit: prohibition 761 V. completeness 52 N. end 67 N. circumscription 229 V. limit 233 N. qualification 469 V. chance 621 N.
limitarian: heterodoxy 984 N.
limitation: pulverulence 330 N. qualification 469 N. restraint 751 N. property 780 N. transfer 783 N. circumscription 229 N.
limitative: circumstance 8 Adj.
limited monarchy: government 737a N.
limited: smallness 32 Adj. littleness 193 Adj.
limitless: infinity 105 Adj.
limn draw: painting 556 V.
limner: artist 559 N.
limousine: vehicle 272 N.
limp: softness 324 Adj. failure 732 V. slowness 275 V. weakness 160 V.
limpid: transparency 425 Adj.
limpidity: transparency 425 N.
limy: gray 432 Adj.
lin: gulf, lake 343 N. river 348 N.
lincoln cent: money 800 N.
lincoln: money 800 N.
lincture: remedy 662 N.
linctus: remedy 662 N.
lindley murray: grammar 567 N. school 542 N.
line engraving: engraving 558 N.
line of action: conduct 692 N.
line of ancestors: continuity 69 N.
line of battle ship: combatant 726 N.
line of battle: continuity 69 N.
line of circumvallation: limit 233 N.
line of collimation: direction 278 N.
line of conduct: conduct 692 N.
line of credit: credit 805 N.
line of demarcation: limit 233 N.
line of march: direction 278 N.
line of proceeding: conduct 692 N.
line of road: method 627 N.
line of way: method 627 N.
line: indication 550 N. filament 205 N. business 625 N. connection 45 N. continuity 69 N. paternity 166 N. posterity 167 N. poetry 597 N. narrowness, thinness 203 N. lining 224 V. direction 278 N. melody concord 413 N. measurement 466 N. writing 590 N. length 200 N.
lineage: consanguinity 11 N. posterity 167 N. continuity 69 N. paternity 166 N.
lineal: length 200 Adj.
lineament: form 240 N. indication 550 N.
linear: continuity 69 Adj. paternity 166 Adj. length 200 Adj.
lined: lining 224 Adj.
linen draper: clothing 225 N.
linen: crossing 219 N. clothing 225 N.
liner: ship 273 N.
lines tournure: outline 230 N.
lines: prison 752 N. defense 717 N.
linger: slowness 275 V. lateness 133 V.
lingerer: slowness 275 N.
lingering: diuturnity 110 Adj.
lingo: language 560 N. neologism 563 N.
lingua franca: neologism 563 N.
linguacious: loquacity 584 Adj.
lingual: speech 582 Adj. language 560 Adj.
linguiform: curvature 245 Adj.
linguist: scholar 492 N.
linguistic: language 560 Adj.
linguistics: language 560 N.
lingulate: curvature 245 Adj.
liniment: oil 356 N. remedy 662 N.
lining: lining 224 N.
link: connection 45 N. luminary 423 N. crossing 219 V. length 200 N. contiguity 199 V. part 51 N. junction 43 V. junction 43 N. correlation 12 N. relation 9 V. relation 9 N. term 71 N.
linkboy: director 694 N.
linked: party 712 Adj.
linn: river 348 N.
linoleum: covering 223 N.
linotype: printing 591 N.
linseed oil: oil 356 N.
linsey-woolsey: mixture 41 Adj.
linstock: fuel 388 N.
lint: covering 223 N.
lintel: support 215 N.
lion in the path: hindrance 706 N.
lion: courage 861 N. prodigy 872 N. repute 873 N.
lioness: woman 374 N.
lion-hearted: courage 861 Adj.
lionize: curiosity 455 V. repute 873 V.
lion's share: whole 50 N. redundancy 641 N. undueness 925 N. superiority 33 N.
lip devotion: impiety 988 N.
lip homage: falsehood 544 N. flattery 933 N.
lip reverence: impiety 988 N.
lip service: falsehood 544 N. impiety 988 N.
lip wisdom: imbecility folly 499 N.
lip: convexity 250 N. edge 231 N.
lipothymy: fatigue 688 N.
lipotype: absence 187 N.
lippitude: dimsightedness 443 N.
lips: beginning 66 N.
lipstick: ornament 847 N.
liquate: liquefaction 335 V.
liquation: liquefaction 335 N.
liquefaction: calefaction 384 N. liquefaction 335 N.
liquefiable: liquefaction 335 Adj.
liquefied: fluidity 333 Adj. liquefaction 335 Adj.
liquefy: liquefaction 335 V. calefaction 384 V. fluidity 333 V.
liquescence: liquefaction 335 N.
liquescency: liquefaction 335 N.
liquescent: liquefaction 335 Adj.
liqueur: food 298 N. sweetness 396 N.
liquid assets: securities 799b N.
liquid helium: cold 383 N. refrigerator 387 N.
liquid hydrogen: fuel 388 N.
liquid nitrogen freezer: refrigerator 387 N.
liquid nitrogen: cold 383 N. refrigerator 387 N.
liquid oxygen: fuel 388 N.
liquid: faintness 405 Adj. fluidity 333 N. fluidity 333 Adj. letter 561 N.
liquidate: payment 807 V. price 812 V.
liquidation: payment 807 N.
liquidator: treasurer 801 N. payment 807 N.
liquidity: fluidity 333 N.
liquidness: fluidity 333 N.
liquor store: mart 799 N.
liquor up: drunkenness 959 V.
liquor: food 298 N. drunkenness 959 V. fluidity 333 N.
lisp: stammering 583 N. stammering 583 V.
lissom: softness 324 Adj.
list of agenda: plan 626 N.
list: desire 865 V. contention 720 N. choice 609 V. will 600 V. hearing 418 V. edge 231 N. obliquity 217 N. filament 205 N. list 86 V. list 86 N. hearing 418 Int.
listed: variegation 440 Adj.
listel: ornament 847 N.
listen here!: hearing 418 Int.
listen to reason: intelligence, wisdom 498 V.
listen to: attention 457 V.
listen up: hearing 418 Int.
listen with both ears: hearing 418 V.
listen!: hearing 418 Int.
listen: hearing 418 V.
listener: hearing 418 N.
listener-in: hearing 418 N.
listing: list 86 N.
listless: indifference 866 Adj. inattention 458 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj.
lists: arena 728 N.
litany: worship 990 N.
literal meaning: meaning 516 N.
literal translation: interpretation 522 N.
literal: imitation 19 Adj. truth 494 Adj. meaning 516 Adj. interpretation 522 Adj. manifestation 525 Adj. letter 561 Adj. word 562 Adj. observance 772 Adj.
literally: meaning 516 N. interpretation 522 Adv. truth 494 Adv. imitation 19 Adv.
literary hack: book 593 N.
literary man: scholar 492 N.
literary power: style 569 N.
literary: language 560 Adj.
literati: scholar 492 N.
literature search: experiment 463 N. evidence 467 N.
literature: knowledge 490 N. language 560 N.
lithagogue: remedy 662 N.
lithe: softness 324 Adj.
lithesome: softness 324 Adj.
lithic: hardness 323 Adj.
lithograph: engraving 558 N. engraving 558 V.
lithographic printing: engraving 558 N.
lithography: engraving 558 N.
lithoidal: inorganization 358 Adj.
lithology: inorganization 358 N.
lithomancy: prediction 511 Phr.
lithosphere: region 181 N.
lithotint: engraving 558 N.
litigant: discord 713 Adj. combatant 726 N. accusation 938 N. judge 967 N. lawsuit 969 N.
litigate: discord 713 V.
litigation: discord 713 N. contention 720 N. lawsuit 969 N.
litigious: discord 713 Adj. lawsuit 969 Adj.
litmus paper: experiment 463 N.
litmus test: experiment 463 N.
litter: disorder 59 N. derangement 61 V. multitude 102 N. posterity 167 N. support 215 N. vehicle 272 N. inutility 645 N.
little by little: slowness 275 Adv. degree 26 Adv.
little chance: improbability 473 N.
little did one expect: inexpectation 508 Phr.
little did one think: inexpectation 508 Phr.
little dipper: world 318 N.
little one: infant 129 N.
little: love 897 Adj. improbity 940 Adj. littleness 193 Adj. smallness 32 Adj. shortness 201 Adj.
littleness: smallness 32 N. littleness 193 N. shortness 201 N.
littoral: land 342 Adj.
liturgy: rite 998 N.
live again: restoration 660 V.
live alone: celibacy 904 V.
live and let live: inaction 681 V. freedom 748 V. inexcitability 826 V.
live at free quarters: sociality 892 V.
live by one's wits: improbity 940 V. stealing 791 V. cunning 702 V. skill 698 V. deception 545 V.
live circuit: power 157 N.
live coverage: news 532 N.
live from hand to mouth: insufficiency 640 V. nonpreparation 674 V. poverty 804 V.
live hard: intemperance 954 V.
live high on the hog: intemperance 954 V.
live high: intemperance 954 V.
live in a glass house: danger 665 V. visibility 446 V. brittleness 328 V.
live in clover: prosperity 734 V.
live in comfort: physical pleasure 377 V.
live in hope: hope 858 V.
live in one's mind: memory 505 V.
live in one's thoughts: memory 505 V.
live it up: intemperance 954 V.
live like cat and dog: discord 713 V.
live matter: printing 591 N.
live on: food 298 V.
live rail: power 157 N.
live secluded: seclusion, exclusion 893 V.
live separate: divorce 905 V.
live single: celibacy 904 V.
live stock: animal 366 N.
live to fight again: diuturnity 110 V.
live upon nothing: parsimony 819 V.
live well: intemperance 954 V.
live wire: power 157 N.
live: permanence 141 V. existence 1 V. news 532 Adj. repute 873 V. life 359 V. presence 186 V. heat 382 Adj.
livelihood: wealth 803 N.
liveliness: activity 682 N. cheerfulness 836 N.
livelong: diuturnity 110 Adj.
lively imagination: imagination 515 N.
lively pace: velocity 274 N.
lively rate: velocity 274 N.
lively: physical sensibility 375 Adj. vigor 574 Adj. activity 682 Adj. feeling 821 Adj. sensibility 822 Adj. cheerfulness 836 Adj. life 359 Adj. instantaneity 113 Adj.
liver-colored: brown 433 Adj.
livery man: freedom 748 N.
livery servant: servant 746 N.
livery: color 428 N. indication 550 N. title 877 N. clothing 225 N.
livid: purple 437 Adj. gray 432 Adj.
lividity: purple 437 N. blackness 431 N.
lividness: purple 437 N.
living beings: organization 357 N.
living nature: organization 357 N.
living soul: mankind 372 N.
living thing: animal 366 N.
living: churchdom 995 N. business 625 V. business 625 N. life 359 Adj.
livret: book 593 N.
lixiviate: cleanness 652 V.
lixiviation: liquefaction 335 N.
lixivium: liquefaction 335 N.
llama: carrier 271 N.
llano: plain 344 N.
lloyd's register: list 86 N.
lo and behold!: wonder 870 Int. attention 457 Int.
lo!: attention 457 Int.
lo: wonder 870 Int.
load star: direction 693 N.
load the dice: deception 545 V.
load the memory with: memory 505 V.
load with reproaches: disapprobation 932 V.
load with: hindrance 706 V.
load: location 184 V. painfulness 830 N. contents 190 N. completeness 52 V. greatness 31 N. completeness 52 N. pain 828 N. hindrance 706 N. redundancy 641 V. redundancy 641 N. store 636 V. gravity 319 V. gravity 319 N. adversity 735 N.
loaded dice: deception 545 N.
loaded with shame: disrepute 874 Adj.
loadstar: attraction 288 N. indication 550 N.
loadstone: motive 615 N. attraction 288 N.
loaf: size 192 N. inactivity 683 V.
loafer: traveler 268 N. inactivity 683 N. bad man 949 N.
loam: land 342 N.
loan shark: lending 787 N.
loan: lending 787 V. lending 787 N.
loaner: lending 787 N.
loath: unwillingness 603 Adj.
loathe to: dislike 867 Adj.
loathe: dislike 867 Adj. dislike 867 V. hate 898 V.
loathful: painfulness 830 Adj. dislike 867 Adj.
loathing: weariness 841 N. dislike 867 N.
loathsome: unsavoriness 395 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj. dislike 867 Adj.
loaves and fishes: wealth 803 N. acquisition 775 N. prosperity 734 N.
lobby: motive 615 V. method 627 N. receptacle 191 N.
lobbyism: motive 615 N.
lobbyist: motive 615 N. politics 737b N.
lobe: part 51 N.
lobiform: curvature 245 Adj.
lobule: part 51 N.
local board: council 696 N.
local color: color 428 N.
local habitation: abode 189 N.
local: situation 183 Adj. region 181 Adj.
locale: situation 183 N.
localism: neologism 563 N.
locality: place 182 N. situation 183 N.
localization: location 184 N.
localize: location 184 V.
locate oneself: location 184 V.
locate: location 184 V.
location: circumstance 8 N. location 184 N.
loch: gulf, lake 343 N.
lochaber ax: arms 727 N.
lock hospital: remedy 662 N.
lock out: resistance 719 N.
lock stock and barrel: whole 50 N.
lock the wheel: hindrance 706 V.
lock up to: repute 873 V.
lock up: concealment 528 V. restraint 751 V.
lock: conduit 350 N. hindrance 706 V. prison 752 N. roughness 256 N. connection 45 N. junction 43 V. quiescence 265 N.
locker: receptacle 191 N.
locket: jewelry 847a N.
lockjaw: disease 655 N.
locksmith: agent 690 N.
lockup: prison 752 N.
lock-weir: conduit 350 N.
locofoco: fuel 388 N.
locomotion: motion 264 N.
locomotive: journey 266 Adj. journey 266 N. carrier 271 N.
locular: receptacle 191 Adj.
locum tenens: substitution 147 N. deputy 759 N. inhabitant 188 N.
locust: prodigality 818 N. evil 913 N.
locution: speech 582 N.
lode star: direction 693 N.
lode: store 636 N.
lodestar: attraction 288 N. indication 550 N.
lodestone: attraction 288 N.
lodge a complaint: accusation 938 V.
lodge itself: insertion 300 V.
lodge: location 184 V. presence 186 V. abode 189 N.
lodger: inhabitant 188 N. possessor 779 N.
lodging: abode 189 N. receptacle 191 N.
lodgment: location 184 N.
loft: receptacle 191 N. summit 210 N.
loftiness of purpose: disinterestedness 942 N.
loftiness: vigor 574 N. height 206 N.
lofty: vigor 574 Adj. disinterestedness 942 Adj. height 206 Adj.
lofty-minded: pride 878 Adj.
log cabin: abode 189 N.
log canoe: ship 273 N.
log house: abode 189 N.
log line: velocity 274 N.
log: fuel 388 N. velocity 274 N. record 551 N.
logan: oscillation 314 N.
logarithm: number 84 N.
logarithmic: number 84 Adj.
loggan: oscillation 314 N.
loggerhead: fool 501 N.
logic of facts: demonstration 478 N.
logic: reasoning 476 N.
logical consequence: latency, implication 526 N.
logical implication: latency, implication 526 N.
logical reasoning: reasoning 476 N.
logical sequence: reasoning 476 N.
logical: reasoning 476 Adj.
logician: reasoning 476 N.
logistics: warfare 722 N.
logography: writing 590 N.
logogriph: secret 533 N.
logomachy: reasoning 476 N. conversation 588 N. contention 720 N.
logometer: numeration 85 N.
logometric: number 84 Adj.
logos: deity 976 N.
logotype: printing 591 N.
logrolling: cooperation 709 N.
loin: laterality 236 N. rear 235 N.
loiter: lateness 133 V. slowness 275 V. inactivity 683 V.
loiterer: slowness 275 N.
loki: demon 980 N.
loll in the lap of luxury: inactivity 683 V.
loll on: support 215 V.
loll: inactivity 683 V. horizontality 213 V.
lollipop: sweetness 396 N.
lollop: inactivity 683 V.
loma: height 206 N.
london fog: yellowness 436 N.
lone: unity 87 Adj.
loneliness: seclusion, exclusion 893 N.
lonely: unity 87 Adj. seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj.
lonesome: unity 87 Adj. seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj.
long ago: diuturnity 110 Adv. the past 122 Adv.
long arm of the law: jurisdiction 965 N.
long bit: money 800 N.
long boat: ship 273 N.
long chair: support 215 N.
long dozen: five, &c 98 N.
long drawn out: diffuseness 573 Adj.
long expected: expectation 507 Adj.
long face: dejection 837 N.
long head: intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
long life to!: repute 873 Int. approbation 931 Int.
long lost: loss 776 Adj.
long odds: chance 156 N. improbability 473 N.
long purse: wealth 803 N.
long range: distance 196 N.
long sea: river 348 N.
long shot: politics 737b N.
long sight: dimsightedness 443 N.
long since: the past 122 Adv.
long sleeve chair: support 215 N.
long ton: gravity 319 N.
long tongued: loquacity 584 Adj.
long winded: loquacity 584 Adj.
long: length 200 Adj. diuturnity 110 Adv. desire 865 V.
longanimity: inexcitability 826 N. forgiveness 918 N.
longeval: diuturnity 110 Adj.
longevity: diuturnity 110 N. age 128 N.
long-faced: dejection 837 Adj.
longhair: sage 500 N.
longhead: sage 500 N.
long-headed: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj.
longing eye: desire 865 N.
longing: desire 865 N.
longinquity: distance 196 N.
longitude: length 200 N.
longitudinal: length 200 Adj.
longitudinally: length 200 Adv.
long-lived: diuturnity 110 Adj.
long-pending: diuturnity 110 Adj.
longshoreman: mariner 269 N. commonality 876 N.
long-sighted: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj.
long-sightedness: foresight 510 N.
longsome: length 200 Adj. diffuseness 573 Adj.
longspun: diffuseness 573 Adj.
long-standing: diuturnity 110 Adj.
longsufferance: inexcitability 826 N.
long-suffering: pity 914 N. lenity 740 Adj. inexcitability 826 Adj.
long-winded: diuturnity 110 Adj. diffuseness 573 Adj.
loo: receptacle 191 N. amusement 840 N.
looby: fool 501 N. bungler 701 N. commonality 876 N.
look about for: inquiry 461 V.
look about one: care 459 V. vision 441 V.
look after: care 459 V. attention 457 V. direction 693 V.
look aghast: wonder 870 V. disappointment 509 V.
look ahead: foresight 510 V.
look alive: activity 682 Int.
look along: length 200 V.
look another way: blindness 442 V.
look askance at: dislike 867 V.
look askance: dissent 489 V. vision 441 V. disapprobation 932 V.
look askant: dimsightedness 443 V. dissent 489 V.
look at home: accusation 938 Int.
look at: inquiry 461 V. vision 441 V. attention 457 V.
look back upon: memory 505 V.
look back: memory 505 V. the past 122 V.
look before one leaps: caution 864 V.
look beyond: foresight 510 V.
look big: defiance 715 V. insolence 885 V. pride 878 V.
look black as thunder: discontent 832 V. resentment 900 V.
look black upon: disapprobation 932 V. discourtesy 895 V.
look black: discontent 832 V. feeling 821 V. resentment 900 V.
look blank: disappointment 509 V. wonder 870 V. discontent 832 V.
look blue: disrepute 874 V. disappointment 509 V. feeling 821 V. discontent 832 V. dejection 837 V.
look boldly in the face: courage 861 V.
look coldly upon: discourtesy 895 V.
look cool upon: discourtesy 895 V. seclusion, exclusion 893 V.
look daggers: resentment 900 V. threat 909 V.
look danger in the face: courage 861 V.
look down upon: contempt 930 V.
look downcast: dejection 837 V.
look foolish: humility 879 V. disrepute 874 V.
look for: expectation 507 V. inquiry 461 V.
look forward to: expectation 507 V.
look forwards to: foresight 510 V.
look forwards: futurity 121 V.
look full in the face: vision 441 V. courage 861 V.
look glum: discontent 832 V.
look grave: dejection 837 V. disapprobation 932 V.
look hard at: vision 441 V.
look here: attention 457 Int.
look ill: ugliness 846 V.
look in the face: courage 861 V.
look in: sociality 892 V.
look intently: vision 441 V.
look into the future: foresight 510 V.
look into: attention 457 V. inquiry 461 V.
look like a drowned man: dejection 837 V.
look like a fool: disrepute 874 V.
look like: appearance 448 V. similarity 17 V.
look on: vision 441 V. presence 186 V. spectator 444 V.
look one in the face: artlessness 703 V. pride 878 V.
look one up: sociality 892 V.
look out for: inquiry 461 V. expectation 507 V.
look out!: warning 668 Int.
look out: care 459 N. intention 620 N.
look over: inquiry 461 V. attention 457 V. vision 441 V.
look round: inquiry 461 V. vision 441 V.
look sharp!: activity 682 Int.
look sharp: activity 682 V. care 459 V.
look sweet upon: desire 865 V. endearment 902 V. love 897 V.
look through: inquiry 461 V.
look to it!: attention 457 Int.
look to the main chance: caution 864 V.
look to: duty 926 V. attention 457 V. care 459 V.
look up to: approbation 931 V. respect 928 V.
look up: prosperity 734 V. dearness 814 V. hope 858 V.
look upon as: belief 484 V.
look upon: vision 441 V. judgment 480 V.
look with an evil eye: disapprobation 932 V.
look with one's own eyes: care 459 V.
look you: attention 457 Int.
look!: vision 441 Int.
look: attention 457 Int. attention 457 V. appearance 448 V. vision 441 N. appearance 448 N. vision 441 V. smallness 32 N.
looker-on: spectator 444 N.
looking back: the past 122 Adj. the past 122 N.
looking before and after: vision 441 Phr. preparation 673 Phr.
looking forward to: expectation 507 Adj.
looking up: hope 858 Adj.
looking-glass: optical instruments 445 N.
lookout: appearance 448 N. expectation 507 N. business 625 N. warning 668 N.
loom of the land: land 342 N.
loom: dimsightedness 443 V. visibility 446 V. destiny 152 V. dimness 422 V. workshop 691 N.
looming in the distance: destiny 152 Adj.
looming: dimness 422 Adj. dimsightedness 443 N.
loon: commonality 876 N. bad man 949 N. fool 501 N.
loony: insanity 503 Adj.
loop hole: Pretext 617 N.
loop: curvature 245 N. circularity 247 N. circuit 629 N.
loophole: escape 671 N. defense 717 N. vision 441 N. opening 260 N. plan 626 N.
loopholed: defense 717 Adj.
loose fish: bad man 949 N. libertine 962 N.
loose memory: oblivion 506 N.
loose suggestion: supposition 514 N.
loose supposition: supposition 514 N.
loose the purse strings: expenditure 809 V.
loose thread: error 495 N.
loose: pendency 214 Adj. deviation 279 Adj. incoherence 47 Adj. disjunction 44 Adj. disjunction 44 V. freedom 748 Adj. impurity 961 Adj. laxity 738 Adj. feebleness 575 Adj. diffuseness 573 Adj. unintelligibility 519 Adj. intuition 477 Adj. liberation 750 V.
loosen: incoherence 47 V. liberation 750 V.
looseness of morals: vice 945 N.
looseness: diffuseness 573 N. laxity 738 N. incoherence 47 N.
loosening: incoherence 47 N. laxity 738 N.
loot: stealing 791 V. booty 793 N.
lop and top: agriculture 371 V.
lop: shortness 201 V.
lopped: incompleteness 53 Adj.
lopper: density 321 V.
lopsided: inequality 28 Adj.
loquacious: loquacity 584 Adj.
loquaciousness: loquacity 584 N.
loquacity: loquacity 584 N.
lorcha: ship 273 N.
lord chancellor: judge 967 N.
lord chief justice: judge 967 N.
lord it over: insolence 885 V. authority 737 V.
lord justice: judge 967 N.
lord lieutenant: jurisdiction 965 N.
lord mayor: master 745 N.
lord mayor's show: celebration 883 N.
lord of misrule: bungler 701 N.
lord of the ascendant: master 745 N.
lord of the manor: possessor 779 N.
lord paramount: master 745 N. possessor 779 N.
lord: master 745 N. possessor 779 N. deity 976 N. nobility 875 N.
lordling: nobility 875 N.
lordly: repute 873 Adj. pride 878 Adj.
lord's day: repose 687 N.
lords justices' court: tribunal 966 N.
lords of the creation: mankind 372 N.
lord's prayer: worship 990 N.
lord's supper: rite 998 N.
lord's table: temple 1000 N.
lords: nobility 875 N.
lordship: government 737a N. property 780 N. title 877 N.
lore: knowledge 490 N. learning 539 N.
lorette: libertine 962 N.
lorettine: clergy 996 N.
lorgnette: optical instruments 445 N.
loricated: covering 223 Adj.
lorication: defense 717 N.
lorn: seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj.
lorry: vehicle 272 N.
lose all hope: hopelessness 859 V.
lose an opportunity: lateness 133 V. untimeliness 135 V.
lose breath: fatigue 688 V.
lose caste: disrepute 874 V. improbity 940 V.
lose color: achromatism 429 V.
lose control of oneself: unskillfulness 699 V.
lose control: unskillfulness 699 V.
lose flesh: contraction 195 V.
lose ground: slowness 275 V. shortcoming 304 V. regression 283 V. failure 732 V.
lose heart: dejection 837 V.
lose interest: money 800 V.
lose no time: haste 684 V. activity 682 V.
lose not a moment: haste 684 V.
lose not an instant: haste 684 V.
lose one's balance: failure 732 V.
lose one's cool: excitability 825 V.
lose one's cunning: unskillfulness 699 V.
lose one's faculties: insanity 503 V.
lose one's head: unskillfulness 699 V. uncertainty 475 V. insanity 503 V.
lose one's heart: love 897 V.
lose one's labor: failure 732 V.
lose one's life: death 360 V.
lose one's marbles: insanity 503 V.
lose one's reason: insanity 503 V.
lose one's senses: insanity 503 V.
lose one's temper: excitability 825 V. discourtesy 895 V. resentment 900 V.
lose one's way: deviation 279 V. unskillfulness 699 V. difficulty 704 V.
lose one's wits: insanity 503 V.
lose oneself: error 495 V. uncertainty 475 V.
lose sight of: noncompletion 730 V. invisibility 447 V. disappearance 449 V. neglect 460 V. blindness 442 V. oblivion 506 V.
lose the clew: uncertainty 475 V.
lose the clue: uncertainty 475 V. unintelligibility 519 V.
lose the day: failure 732 V.
lose the hope of: hopelessness 859 V.
lose time: inactivity 683 V.
lose track of time: anachronism 115 V.
lose wind: fatigue 688 V.
lose: failure 732 V. loss 776 V. unintelligibility 519 V. oblivion 506 V.
losel: prodigality 818 N. prodigality 818 Adj.
loser: politics 737b N.
losing game: failure 732 N. adversity 735 N.
losing: loss 776 Adj.
loss of fortune: poverty 804 N.
loss of health: disease 655 N.
loss of life: death 360 N.
loss of right: undueness 925 N.
loss of strength: weakness 160 N.
loss: waste 638 N. deterioration 659 N. evil 619 N. death 360 N. decrement 40a N. loss 776 N.
lost in admiration: approbation 931 Adj.
lost in amazement: wonder 870 Adj.
lost in astonishment: wonder 870 Adj.
lost in iniquity: vice 945 Adj.
lost in thought: inattention 458 Adj. thought 451 Adj.
lost in wonder: wonder 870 Adj.
lost labor: inutility 645 N.
lost sheep: bad man 949 N.
lost to shame: improbity 940 Adj. insolence 885 Adj.
lost to sight: disappearance 449 Adj.
lost to view: disappearance 449 Adj.
lost to virtue: vice 945 Adj.
lost trouble: inutility 645 N.
lost: failure 732 Adj. inexistence 2 Adj. disappearance 449 Adj. inattention 458 Adj. uncertainty 475 Adj. loss 776 Adj. excitation 824 Adj. pain 828 Adj. dejection 837 Adj. impenitence 951 Adj. absence 187 Adj.
lot fortune: necessity 601 N.
lot: state 7 N. apportionment 786 N. chance 621 N. quantity 25 N. assemblage 72 N.
lota: receptacle 191 N.
loth: unwillingness 603 Adj. dislike 867 Adj.
lothario: love 897 N. libertine 962 N.
lotion: water 337 N. fragrance 400 N. cleanness 652 N. remedy 662 N.
loto: amusement 840 N.
lots: sufficiency 639 N. multitude 102 N.
lottery: chance 156 N. amusement 840 N.
lotto: amusement 840 N.
lotus eater: inactivity 683 N.
loud noise: loudness 404 N.
loud: loudness 404 Adj.
loudly: loudness 404 Adv.
loudness: loudness 404 N.
lough: gulf, lake 343 N.
lounge: receptacle 191 N. inactivity 683 V.
lounger: inactivity 683 N.
louse: uncleanness 653 N.
lout: fool 501 N. commonality 876 N.
loutish: commonality 876 Adj.
louvre: airpipe 351 N.
lovable: love 897 Adj.
love affair: love 897 N.
love all, trust a few: caution 864 Phr.
love conquers all: love 897 Phr. success 731 Phr.
love knot: indication 550 N.
love letter: endearment 902 N.
love of country: philanthropy 910 N.
love of truth: veracity 543 N.
love pot: drunkenness 959 N.
love song: poetry 597 N.
love story: love 897 N. drama 599 N.
love suit: love 897 N.
love tale: endearment 902 N. love 897 N.
love to distraction: love 897 V.
love token: courtesy 894 N. love 897 N. endearment 902 N.
love: courtesy 894 N. benevolence 906 N. favorite 899 N. pleasure 827 V. love 897 N. love 897 V. friendship 888 V. desire 865 N. approbation 931 N.
loved: love 897 Adj.
loveliness: pleasurableness 829 N.
lovelock: roughness 256 N.
lovelorn: hate 898 Adj.
lovely: beauty 845 Adj. love 897 Adj. pleasurableness 829 Adj.
lovemaking: endearment 902 N. sexuality 374a N.
love-making: junction 43 N.
lover: desire 865 N. love 897 N.
love-sick: love 897 Adj. endearment 902 Adj.
loving cup: sociality 892 N. courtesy 894 N.
loving: love 897 Adj.
loving-kindness: benevolence 906 N.
low church: heterodoxy 984 N.
low comedian: drama 599 N.
low comedy: drama 599 N.
low company: commonality 876 N.
low condition: commonality 876 N.
low fellow: commonality 876 N.
low in tone: blackness 431 V.
low life: commonality 876 N. vulgarity 851 N.
low mass: rite 998 N.
low note: melody concord 413 N. resonance 408 N.
low ph: sourness 397 N.
low price: cheapness 815 N.
low priced: cheapness 815 Adj.
low quality: worthlessness 812b N.
low relief: convexity 250 N. sculpture 557 N.
low society: commonality 876 N.
low spirited: dejection 837 Adj.
low spirits: dejection 837 N.
low tide: lowness 207 N.
low water: poverty 804 N. insufficiency 640 N. lowness 207 N. dryness 340 N.
low: cheapness 815 Adj. faintness 405 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj. smallness 32 Adj. disrepute 874 Adj. commonality 876 Adj. lowness 207 Adj. ululation 412 V.
lowborn: commonality 876 Adj.
lowboy: receptacle 191 N.
lower case: printing 591 N.
lower classes: commonality 876 N.
lower colors: submission 725 V.
lower one's note: humility 879 V.
lower one's tone: humility 879 V.
lower quality: inferiority 34 N.
lower worth: inferiority 34 N.
lower: nonincrease, decrease 36 V. sullenness 901a V. dejection 837 V. prediction 511 V. dimness 422 V. darkness 421 V. lowness 207 V. resentment 900 V. inferiority 34 Adj. depression 308 V.
lowering: depression 308 N. dejection 837 Adj.
lowest dregs of vice: vice 945 N.
lowest: inferiority 34 Adj.
lowlands: lowness 207 N.
lowlihood: humility 879 N.
lowliness: humility 879 N.
lowly: humility 879 Adj.
low-minded: commonality 876 Adj. improbity 940 Adj.
lown: fool 501 N. bad man 949 N.
lowness of spirits: dejection 837 N.
lowness: lowness 207 N. vulgarity 851 N. humility 879 N.
low-thoughted: improbity 940 Adj.
low-toned: blackness 431 V.
lox: fuel 388 N.
loy: vehicle 272 N.
loyal: probity 939 Adj. observance 772 Adj. obedience 743 Adj.
loyalty: obedience 743 N. probity 939 N.
lozenge: angularity 244 N.
ls.d.: money 800 N.
lsd: intemperance 954 N.
lst: ship 273 N.
lubbard: inactivity 683 N.
lubber: ignoramus 493 N. fool 501 N. inactivity 683 N. bungler 701 N.
lubberly: size 192 Adj. unskillfulness 699 Adj.
lubricate: lubrication 332 V. facility 705 V. smoothness 255 V.
lubricated: lubrication 332 Adj.
lubricating oil: lubrication 332 N.
lubrication: smoothness 255 N. lubrication 332 N. unctuousness 355 N.
lubricitate: lubrication 332 V.
lubricity: smoothness 255 N. unctuousness 355 N. impurity 961 N.
lubricous: smoothness 255 Adj. lubrication 332 Adj.
lubrification: lubrication 332 N.
lucent: light 420 Adj.
lucid interval: sanity 502 N.
lucid: light 420 Adj. transparency 425 Adj. sanity 502 Adj. intelligibility 518 Adj. perspicuity 570 Adj.
lucidity: light 420 N. transparency 425 N. sanity 502 N. intelligibility 518 N.
lucidness: perspicuity 570 N.
lucifer: fuel 388 N. satan 978 N. luminary 423 N.
luciferous: light 420 Adj.
lucific: light 420 Adj.
lucimeter: optical instruments 445 N.
luck: prosperity 734 N. chance 156 N. chance 621 N.
luckless: adversity 735 Adj.
lucky dog: prosperity 734 N.
lucky hit: success 731 N.
lucky: prosperity 734 Adj. occasion 134 Adj.
lucrative: acquisition 775 Adj.
lucre: wealth 803 N. acquisition 775 N.
lucretia: purity 960 N.
luctation: contention 720 N.
lucubration: thought 451 N.
luculent: light 420 Adj.
luddites: party 712 N.
ludibrious: amusement 840 Adj.
ludicrous: ridiculousness 853 Adj.
luetic: disease 655 Adj.
luff: navigation 267 V.
lug in head and shoulders: irrelation 10 V.
lug: hearing 418 N. traction 285 V.
luggage train: vehicle 272 N.
luggage van: vehicle 272 N.
luggage: property 780 N.
lugger: ship 273 N.
luggy: moisture 339 Adj.
lugubrious: dejection 837 Adj.
lukewarm: heat 382 Adj. cold 383 Adj. feebleness 575 Adj. insensibility 823 Adj. indifference 866 Adj.
lukewarmness: insensibility 823 N.
lull to sleep: quiescence 265 V.
lull: inactivity 683 N. silence 403 N. quiescence 265 N. cessation 142 N. moderation 174 V.
lullaby: poetry 597 N. inactivity 683 N. moderation 174 N. music 415 N. relief 834 N.
lull'd by soft zephyrs: wind 349 Phr.
lumbago: physical pain 378 N.
lumbar region: rear 235 N.
lumbar: rear 235 Adj.
lumber room: receptacle 191 N.
lumber store: mart 799 N.
lumber yard: mart 799 N.
lumber: disorder 59 N. hindrance 706 V. hindrance 706 N. inutility 645 N. slowness 275 V. store 636 N.
lumbering: inexpedience 647 Adj. ugliness 846 Adj.
lumbriciform: rotundity 249 Adj.
luminary: luminary 423 N. sage 500 N.
luminescent: luminary 423 Adj.
luminiferous: light 420 Adj.
luminosity: light 420 N.
luminous: light 420 Adj. intelligibility 518 Adj.
luminousness: light 420 N.
lummox: fool 501 N.
lump of affectation: affectation 855 N.
lump of: gravity 319 N.
lump sum: money 800 N.
lump together: combination 48 V. junction 43 V. assemblage 72 V.
lump: assemblage 72 N. part 51 N. whole 50 N. density 321 N. size 192 N.
lumper: agent 690 N.
lumping: ugliness 846 Adj.
lumpish: size 192 Adj. gravity 319 Adj. density 321 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj. ugliness 846 Adj.
lumpy: gravity 319 Adj.
lunacy: insanity 503 N.
lunar caustic: calefaction 384 N.
lunar: world 318 Adj.
lunate: curvature 245 Adj.
lunatic: insanity 503 Adj. madman 504 N.
lunation: period 108 N.
lunch: food 298 N. food 298 V.
luncheon: food 298 N.
lunge: attack 716 N. impulse 276 N. impulse 276 V.
lungi: clothing 225 N.
lungs: voice 580 N. wind 349 N. loudness 404 N. cry 411 N.
luniform: curvature 245 Adj.
lunular: curvature 245 Adj.
lunule: curvature 245 N.
lupanar: impurity 961 N.
lupine: taking 789 Adj.
lurch: obliquity 217 N. descent 306 N. descent 306 V. oscillation 314 N. failure 732 N.
lure: deception 545 V. motive 615 N. motive 615 V.
lurid: dimness 422 Adj. redness 434 Adj. darkness 421 Adj.
lurk: latency, implication 526 V. concealment 528 V. ambush 530 V. invisibility 447 V.
lurking hole: ambush 530 N.
lurking place: ambush 530 N.
lurking: latency, implication 526 Adj.
luscious: pleasurableness 829 Adj. savoriness 394 Adj. sweetness 396 Adj.
lush: vegetability 365 Adj. sweetness 396 Adj. drunkenness 959 N. drunkenness 959 V.
lushy: drunkenness 959 Adj.
lusk: inactivity 683 Adj.
lusory: amusement 840 Adj.
lust after: desire 865 V.
lust: sexuality 374a N. desire 865 N. impurity 961 N.
luster: luminary 423 N. repute 873 N. light 420 N.
lustful: impurity 961 Adj.
lustihood: strength 159 N. size 192 N.
lustily: loudness 404 Adv. exertion 686 Adv.
lustless: impotence 158 Adj.
lust-quencher: indifference 866 N.
lustration: atonement 952 N. cleanness 652 N.
lustrous: light 420 Adj.
lusty: size 192 Adj. sexuality 374a Adj.
lute: musical instruments 417 N. connection 45 N. coherence 46 V.
luteous: yellowness 436 Adj.
lutheran: heterodoxy 984 N.
lutose: uncleanness 653 Adj.
luvs: clothing 225 N.
luxation: disjunction 44 N.
luxuriance: productiveness 168 N. sufficiency 639 N.
luxuriant: productiveness 168 Adj. sufficiency 639 Adj.
luxuriate in: physical pleasure 377 V. pleasure 827 V.
luxurious: physical pleasure 377 Adj. pleasurableness 829 Adj. intemperance 954 Adj.
luxuriousness: intemperance 954 N. physical pleasure 377 N.
luxury sedan: vehicle 272 N.
luxury: intemperance 954 N. pleasure 827 N. physical pleasure 377 N. redundancy 641 N.
lycanthropy: insanity 503 N.
lyceum: school 542 N.
lyddite: arms 727 N.
lydford law: illegality 964 N.
lydian measures: music 415 N.
lying down: horizontality 213 N.
lying low: lowness 207 Adj.
lying: horizontality 213 Adj. falsehood 544 N. improbity 940 N.
lyking: pseudo-revelation 986 N.
lymph: transparency 425 N. fluidity 333 N. water 337 N.
lymphatic: water 337 Adj.
lynch law: illegality 964 N. laxity 738 N. compulsion 744 N.
lynch: punishment 972 V.
lyncher: scourge 975 N.
lynx: vision 441 N.
lynx-eyed: vision 441 Adj.
lyophilize: preservation 670 V.
lyophilizer: dryness 340 N.
lyre: musical instruments 417 N.
lyric poetry: poetry 597 N.
lyric: poetry 597 Adj. music 415 Adj. poetry 597 N.
lyrical: poetry 597 Adj.
lyrist: poetry 597 N.