Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

This HTML version by Andrew Ritz, Langtech.
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631. Instrumentality -- N. instrumentality; aid &c 707; subservience, subserviency; mediation, intervention, medium, intermedium † , vehicle, hand; agency &c 170.

632. Means -- N. means, resources, wherewithal, ways and means; capital &c (money) 800; revenue; stock in trade &c 636; provision &c 637; a shot in the locker; appliances &c (machinery) 633; means and appliances; conveniences; cards to play; expedients &c (measures) 626; two strings to one's bow; sheet anchor &c (safety) 666; aid &c 707; medium &c 631.

633. Instrument -- N. machinery, mechanism, engineering.

634. Substitute -- N. substitute &c 147; deputy &c 759; badli † .

635. Materials -- N. material, raw material, stuff, stock, staple; adobe, brown stone; chinking; clapboard; daubing; puncheon; shake; shingle, bricks and mortar; metal; stone; clay, brick crockery &c 384; compo, composition; concrete; reinforced concrete, cement; wood, ore, timber.

636. Store -- N. stock, fund, mine, vein, lode, quarry; spring; fount, fountain; well, wellspring; milch cow.

637. Provision -- N. provision, supply; grist, grist for the mill; subvention &c (aid) 707; resources &c (means) 632; groceries, grocery.

638. Waste -- N. consumption, expenditure, exhaustion; dispersion &c 73; ebb; leakage &c (exudation) 295; loss &c 776; wear and tear; waste; prodigality &c 818; misuse &c 679; wasting &c v.; rubbish &c (useless) 645.

639. Sufficiency -- N. sufficiency, adequacy, enough, withal, satisfaction, competence; no less; quantum sufficit [Lat.] , Q.S.

640. Insufficiency -- N. insufficiency; inadequacy, inadequateness; incompetence &c (impotence) 158; deficiency &c (incompleteness) 53; imperfection &c 651; shortcoming &c 304; paucity; stint; scantiness &c (smallness) 32; none to spare, bare subsistence.

641. Redundancy -- N. redundancy, redundance † ; too much, too many; superabundance, superfluity, superfluence † , saturation; nimiety † , transcendency, exuberance, profuseness; profusion &c (plenty) 639; repletion, enough in all conscience, satis superque [Lat.] , lion's share; more than enough &c 639; plethora, engorgement, congestion, load, surfeit, sickener † ; turgescence &c (expansion) 194 [Obs.]; overdose, overmeasure † , oversupply, overflow; inundation &c (water) 348; avalanche.

642. Importance -- N. importance, consequence, moment, prominence, consideration, mark, materialness.

643. Unimportance -- N. unimportance, insignificance, nothingness, immateriality.

644. Utility -- N. utility; usefulness &c adj.; efficacy, efficiency, adequacy; service, use, stead, avail; help &c (aid) 707; applicability &c adj.; subservience &c (instrumentality) 631; function &c (business) 625; value; worth &c (goodness) 648; money's worth; productiveness &c 168; cui bono &c (intention) 620 [Lat.]; utilization &c (use) 677; step in the right direction.

645. Inutility -- N. inutility; uselessness &c adj.; inefficacy † , futility; ineptitude, inaptitude; unsubservience † ; inadequacy &c (insufficiency) 640; inefficiency, &c (incompetence) 158; unskillfulness &c 699; disservice; unfruitfulness &c (unproductiveness).. 169; labor in vain, labor lost, labor of Sisyphus; lost trouble, lost labor; work of Penelope; sleeveless errand, wild goose chase, mere farce.

646. [Specific subservience.] Expedience -- N. expedience, expediency; desirableness, desirability &c adj.; fitness &c (agreement) 23; utility &c 644; propriety; opportunism; advantage.

647. Inexpedience -- N. inexpedience, inexpediency; undesirableness, undesirability &c adj.; discommodity † , impropriety; unfitness &c (disagreement) 24; inutility &c 645; disadvantage.

648. [Capability of producing good. Good qualities.] Goodness -- N. goodness &c adj.; excellence, merit; virtue &c 944; value, worth, price.

649. [Capability of producing evil. Bad qualities.] Badness -- N. hurtfulness &c adj.; virulence.

650. Perfection -- N. perfection; perfectness &c adj.; indefectibility † ; impeccancy † , impeccability.

651. Imperfection -- N. imperfection; imperfectness &c adj.; deficiency; inadequacy &c (insufficiency) 640; peccancy &c (badness) 649 [Obs.]; immaturity &c 674.

652. Cleanness -- N. cleanness, cleanliness &c adj.; purity; cleaning &c v.; purification, defecation &c v.; purgation, lustration † ; detersion † , abstersion † ; epuration † , mundation † ; ablution, lavation † , colature † ; disinfection &c v.; drainage, sewerage.

653. Uncleanness -- N. uncleanness &c adj.; impurity; immundity † , immundicity † ; impurity &c 961 [of mind]. defilement, contamination &c v.; defoedation † ; soilure † , soiliness † ; abomination; leaven; taint, tainture † ; fetor &c 401 [Obs.].

654. Health -- N. health, sanity; soundness &c adj.; vigor; good health, perfect health, excellent health, rude health, robust health; bloom.

655. Disease -- N. disease; illness, sickness &c adj.; ailing &c ; all the ills that flesh is heir to [Hamlet]; morbidity, morbosity † ; infirmity, ailment, indisposition; complaint, disorder, malady; distemper, distemperature † .

656. Salubrity -- N. salubrity; healthiness &c adj.. fine air, fine climate; eudiometer † .

657. Insalubrity -- N. insalubrity; unhealthiness &c adj.; nonnaturals † ; plague spot; malaria &c (poison) 663; death in the pot, contagion; toxicity.

658. Improvement -- N. improvement; amelioration, melioration; betterment; mend, amendment, emendation; mending &c v.; advancement; advance &c (progress) 282; ascent &c 305; promotion, preferment; elevation &c 307; increase &c 35; cultivation, civilization; culture, march of intellect; menticulture † ; race-culture, eugenics.

659. Deterioration -- N. deterioration, debasement; wane, ebb; recession &c 287; retrogradation &c 283 [Obs.]; decrease &c 36.

660. Restoration -- N. restoration, restoral; reinstatement, replacement, rehabilitation, reestablishment, reconstitution, reconstruction; reproduction &c 163; renovation, renewal; revival, revivessence † , reviviscence † ; refreshment &c 689; resuscitation, reanimation, revivification, reviction † ; Phenix; reorganization.

661. Relapse -- N. relapse, lapse; falling back &c v.; retrogradation &c (retrogression) 283 [Obs.]; deterioration &c 659.

662. Remedy -- N. remedy, help, cure, redress; medicine, medicament; diagnosis, medical examination; medical treatment; surgery; preventive medicine.

663. Bane -- N. bane, curse; evil &c 619; hurtfulness &c (badness) 649 [Obs.]; painfulness &c (cause of pain) 830; scourge &c (punishment) 975; damnosa hereditas [Lat.] ; white elephant.

664. Safety -- N. safety, security, surety, impregnability; invulnerability, invulnerableness &c adj.; danger past, danger over; storm blown over; coast clear; escape &c 671; means of escape; blow valve, safety valve, release valve, sniffing valve; safeguard, palladium.

665. Danger -- N. danger, peril, insecurity, jeopardy, risk, hazard, venture, precariousness, slipperiness; instability &c 149; defenselessness &c adj., exposure &c (liability) 177; vulnerability; vulnerable point, heel of Achilles † ; forlorn hope &c (hopelessness) 859.

666. [Means of safety.] Refuge -- N. refuge, sanctuary, retreat, fastness; acropolis; keep, last resort; ward; prison &c 752; asylum, ark, home, refuge for the destitute; almshouse † ; hiding place &c (ambush) 530; sanctum sanctorum &c (privacy) 893 [Lat.].

667. [Source of danger.] Pitfall -- N. rocks, reefs, coral reef, sunken rocks, snags; sands, quicksands; syrt † , syrtis † ; Goodwin sands, sandy foundation; slippery ground; breakers, shoals, shallows, bank, shelf, flat, lee shore, ironbound coast; rock ahead, breakers ahead.

668. Warning -- N. warning, early warning, caution, caveat; notice &c (information) 527; premonition, premonishment † ; prediction &c 511; contraindication, lesson, dehortation † ; admonition, monition; alarm &c 669.

669. [Indication of danger.] Alarm -- N. alarm; alarum, larum † , alarm bell, tocsin, alerts, beat of drum, sound of trumpet, note of alarm, hue and cry, fire cross, signal of distress; blue lights; war-cry, war-whoop; warning &c 668; fogsignal, foghorn; yellow flag; danger signal; red light, red flag; fire bell; police whistle.

670. Preservation -- N. preservation; safe-keeping; conservation &c (storage) 636; maintenance, support, susteritation † , conservatism; vis conservatrix † ; salvation &c (deliverance) 672.

671. Escape -- N. escape, scape; avolation † , elopement, flight; evasion &c (avoidance) 623; retreat; narrow escape, hairbreadth escape; close call; come off, impunity.

672. Deliverance -- N. deliverance, extrication, rescue; reprieve, reprieval † ; respite; liberation &c 750; emancipation; redemption, salvation; riddance; gaol delivery; redeemableness † .